The Antiphysical Review

A critical journal of physics research and related social aspects.
Founded and edited by M. Apostol

ISSN 1453-4436

The journal includes scientific projects, critical analyses of inconsistencies in the physics literature, aims at unveiling non-scientific approaches and practices in science, scientific research and science policy

Submission: plain latex files and epsfig-included pictures to; the editor reserves the right of publishing them; reponsability of the views expressed is entirely to the authors.

  • Masuri
    M. Apostol
    Antiphys. Rev. 61 (2003)
    Full Text: [PDF]
  • International Institute of Materials
    M. Apostol
    Antiphys. Rev. 62 (2003)
    Full Text: [PDF]
  • The 75th Anniversary of Professor Ioan Ursu
    M. Apostol
    Antiphys. Rev. 63 (2003)
    Full Text: [PDF]
  • Unele comentarii asupra unei carti de Mecanica Analitica
    M. Apostol
    Antiphys. Rev. 64 (2003)
    Full Text: [PDF]
  • Asupra politicii gresite din cercetarea stiintifica romaneasca
    M. Apostol
    Antiphys. Rev. 65 (2003)
    Full Text: [PDF]
  • Letter to Reviewers
    M. Apostol
    Antiphys. Rev. 66 (2003)
    Full Text: [PDF]
  • Legea Cercetarii
    M. Apostol
    Antiphys. Rev. 67 (2003)
    Full Text: [PDF]
  • Conferinta Nationala "Situatia cercetarii Stiintifice si Invatamintului Superior in Romania si in lume"
    M. Apostol
    Antiphys. Rev. 68 (2003)
    Full Text: [PDF]
  • Citeva corectii
    M. Apostol
    Antiphys. Rev. 69 (2003)
    Full Text: [PDF]
  • Declaration of Support
    M. Apostol
    Antiphys. Rev. 70 (2003)
    Full Text: [PDF]
  • Ultima Iarna a lui Adrian Grigore
    M. Apostol
    Antiphys. Rev. 71 (2003)
    Full Text: [PDF]
  • Iar ne evalueaza evaluatori ne-evaluati si ne-evaluabili
    M. Apostol
    Antiphys. Rev. 72 (2003)
    Full Text: [PDF]
  • Dorin Moisa wriets ofthe brains (The Brain, A Decoded Enigma, Cosmos, 2003)
    M. Apostol
    Antiphys. Rev. 73 (2003)
    Full Text: [PDF]
  • Lichide bosonice si faze superfluide de tip Bose-Einstein (LIBOS, CERES, Mai 2003)
    M. Apostol
    Antiphys. Rev. 74 (2003)
    Full Text: [PDF]
  • Despre Stiinta, Cercetare si Invatamint in Epoca Noastra (Colocviul National de Fizica, Politehnica Bucuersti, Septembrie 2003)
    M. Apostol
    Antiphys. Rev. 75 (2003)
    Full Text: [PDF]
  • Despre tristetea din Parlamentul Romaniei
    M. Apostol
    Antiphys. Rev. 76 (2003)
    Full Text: [PDF]
  • Citesc CdF si nu ma pot abtine
    M. Apostol
    Antiphys. Rev. 77 (2003)
    Full Text: [PDF]
  • Despre noi scientometristi
    M. Apostol
    Antiphys. Rev. 78 (2003)
    Full Text: [PDF]
  • Atomic Nano-objects (Advanced Research in Matter Aggregation)
    M. Apostol
    Antiphys. Rev. 79 (2003)
    Full Text: [PDF]
  • A few modest remarks on Statistical Mechanics made simple: a Guide for students and researchers, by Daniel C. Mattis (World Scientific 2003)
    M. Apostol
    Antiphys. Rev. 80 (2003)
    Full Text: [PDF]
  • Declaratie politica
    M. Apostol
    Antiphys. Rev. 81 (2003)
    Full Text: [PDF]
  • Despre stiinta si cercetarea stiintifica (Academia Romana, 21 Noiembrie 2003)
    M. Apostol
    Antiphys. Rev. 82 (2003)
    Full Text: [PDF]
  • Sa inceteze nebunia! Stop dezastrul!
    M. Apostol
    Antiphys. Rev. 83 (2003)
    Full Text: [PDF]
  • Orizont 2000-Roadele unei politici stiintifice gresite
    M. Apostol
    Antiphys. Rev. 84 (2003)
    Full Text: [PDF]
  • Un ministru vorbeste de cercetare
    M. Apostol
    Antiphys. Rev. 85 (2003)
    Full Text: [PDF]

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These writings, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission from M. Apostol