The Antiphysical Review

A critical journal of physics research and related social aspects.
Founded and edited by M. Apostol

ISSN 1453-4436

The journal includes scientific projects, critical analyses of inconsistencies in the physics literature, aims at unveiling non-scientific approaches and practices in science, scientific research and science policy

Submission: plain latex files and epsfig-included pictures to; the editor reserves the right of publishing them; reponsability of the views expressed is entirely to the authors.

  • Where is the Science?
    M. Apostol
    Antiphys. Rev. 105 (2005)
    Full Text: [PDF]
  • De ce au cazut doctoratele in Romania
    M. Apostol
    Antiphys. Rev. 106 (2005)
    Full Text: [PDF]
  • Nu vad ce-aud
    M. Apostol
    Antiphys. Rev. 107 (2005)
    Full Text: [PDF]
  • E jale, Dom' Profesor!
    M. Apostol
    Antiphys. Rev. 108 (2005)
    Full Text: [PDF]
  • Guvernul Romaniei e budist
    M. Apostol
    Antiphys. Rev. 109 (2005)
    Full Text: [PDF]
  • Advanced Research in Statistical Mechanisms of Seismic Movements – Earthquake Statistical Distributions-
    B.-F. Apostol
    Antiphys. Rev. 110 (2005)
    Full Text: [PDF]
  • Un “punct de vedere” asupra unui “punct de vedere”
    M. Apostol
    Antiphys. Rev. 111 (2005)
    Full Text: [PDF]
  • Cercetari teoretice fundamentale asupra unor probleme actuale de materie condensata (CERES, Mai 2001)
    M. Apostol
    Antiphys. Rev. 112 (2005)
    Full Text: [PDF]
  • Cercetari Avansate asupra Interactiilor Atomice si Magnetice (INTAM, CERES, Mai 2004)
    M. Apostol
    Antiphys. Rev. 113 (2005)
    Full Text: [PDF]
  • Proiecte si Prostii!
    M. Apostol
    Antiphys. Rev. 114 (2005)
    Full Text: [PDF]
  • Stiinta surprizelor
    M. Apostol
    Antiphys. Rev. 115 (2005)
    Full Text: [PDF]
  • In contra manipularii in cercetarea stiintifica
    M. Apostol
    Antiphys. Rev. 116 (2005)
    Full Text: [PDF]
  • Correlation functions and next-earthquake distribution in seismic hazard
    apoma Laboratory
    Antiphys. Rev. 117 (2005)
    Full Text: [PDF]
  • A method of measuring the degree of inhomogeneities in media with a complex structure (following E. Larose, et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93 048501 (2005))
    apoma Laboratory
    Antiphys. Rev. 118 (2005)
    Full Text: [PDF]
  • Laser-Plasma Interactions and Related processes
    M. Apostol
    Antiphys. Rev. 119 (2005)
    Full Text: [PDF]
  • Transmission lines with distributed electric coefficients. Metamaterials
    M. Apostol
    Antiphys. Rev. 120 (2005)
    Full Text: [PDF]
  • Despre cum managerii de cercetare jefuiesc banii publici ai romanilor
    M. Apostol
    Antiphys. Rev. 121 (2005)
    Full Text: [PDF]
  • Scrisori intre prieteni
    M. Apostol
    Antiphys. Rev. 122 (2005)
    Full Text: [PDF]
  • A New Kind of Science
    An investigation into the Antiscientific Aspects of the World

    M. Apostol
    Antiphys. Rev. 123 (2005)
    Full Text: [PDF]
  • Moon's Problem
    (A three-body problem)
    An investigation into "Intractability and Uncomputability" in Theoretical Physics
    A research project

    M. Apostol
    Antiphys. Rev. 124 (2005)
    Full Text: [PDF]
  • Supramolecular Aggregation and Nanostructural Transport
    SANTRAN, CEEX 2005
    M. Apostol
    Antiphys. Rev. 125 (2005)
    Full Text: [PDF]
  • A few notes on quantal gravity
    M. Apostol
    Antiphys. Rev. 126 (2005)
    Full Text: [PDF]

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These writings, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission from M. Apostol