The Antiphysical Review

A critical journal of physics research and related social aspects.
Founded and edited by M. Apostol

ISSN 1453-4436

The journal includes scientific projects, critical analyses of inconsistencies in the physics literature, aims at unveiling non-scientific approaches and practices in science, scientific research and science policy

Submission: plain latex files and epsfig-included pictures to; the editor reserves the right of publishing them; reponsability of the views expressed is entirely to the authors.

  • Despre "Numerele naturii"
    M. Apostol
    Antiphys. Rev. 17 (1999)
    Full Text: [PDF]
  • Kopietz, Springer and Bosonization
    M. Apostol
    Antiphys. Rev. 18 (1999)
    Full Text: [PDF]
  • Principiile Institutului National de Stiinta si Tehnologie
    M. Apostol
    Antiphys. Rev. 19 (1999)
    Full Text: [PDF]
  • Despre ce e de facut
    M. Apostol
    Antiphys. Rev. 20 (1999)
    Full Text: [PDF]
  • Umbrele mintii lui Penrose
    M. Apostol
    Antiphys. Rev. 21 (1999)
    Full Text: [PDF]
  • Politica si Cercetarea Stiintifica si Tehnologica din Romania
    M. Apostol
    Antiphys. Rev. 22 (1999)
    Full Text: [PDF]
  • Diversiunea scientometrica
    M. Apostol
    Antiphys. Rev. 23 (1999)
    Full Text: [PDF]
  • Scientific Research in Romania and around the World
    M. Apostol
    Antiphys. Rev. 24 (1999)
    Full Text: [PDF]
  • Ce declara academicienii de fizica la intrarea lor in Academia romana
    M. Apostol
    Antiphys. Rev. 25 (1999)
  • On God
    M. Apostol
    Antiphys. Rev. 26 (1999)
    Full Text: [PDF]
  • Interactia sistemelor cuantice de mai multe particule si statistica starii condensate a materiei, cu aplicatii la sistemele mesoscopice, clusteri atomici si tranzitii de faze magnetice; dezvoltarea instrumentelor computationale de elaborare, editare si publicare a informatiei stiintifice pe retele electronice
    M. Apostol
    Antiphys. Rev. 27 (1999)
    Full Text: [PDF]
  • Un raspuns si o respingere deocamdata
    M. Apostol
    Antiphys. Rev. 28 (1999)
    Full Text: [PDF]
  • Comunicat nuclear
    M. Apostol
    Antiphys. Rev. 29 (1999)
    Full Text: [PDF]
  • O scrisoare politica
    M. Apostol
    Antiphys. Rev. 30 (1999)
    Full Text: [PDF]
  • Project proposal October 1999: Theoretical Research in Condensed Matter Physics; Studies on electronic, atomic and structural correlations, sattistical mechanics, many-body theories and macroscopic quantum effects of the interactions (1999-20002)
    M. Apostol
    Antiphys. Rev. 31 (1999)
    Full Text: [PDF]
  • Against and above the "Condensed Matter Physics" and "Theoretical Physics"
    M. Apostol
    Antiphys. Rev. 32 (1999)
    Full Text: [PDF]

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These writings, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission from M. Apostol