Studiul structurii și modurilor de dezintegrare nucleare ale nucleelor supragrele (Partea I)

Claudia Anghel
DFT Seminar Room
2022-09-14 12:00:00


The existence of the "island of stability", that is, the region where the hypothetical superheavy nuclei (SHN) are stable with respect to the spontaneous fission (SF), was first suggested over fifty years ago (Sobicz66,Meld67). It was thought that the interactions between the protons and neutrons occupying single particle orbitals in the Woods-Saxon nuclear potential with spin-orbit interaction could enhance the stability of nuclei in the region of nuclear mass A for Z>82, N>126. The results for gaps in energy spectra have indicated the double magic nucleus with Z=114 and N=184 as a possible center of the "island of stability". In the experimental studies carried out up to now, a group of nuclides with Z=104-118 and N=161-177 was synthesized in cold and hot fusion reactions. The Z=120 and N=172 spherical shell structures are predicted by the relativistic Skyrme mean-field models. In these models essentialy based on shell model concept the single particle properties (as energies and wave functions) are the key ingredients to describe the decay properties and responses to the action of external fields. The aim of the present study is to apply the recently developed approaches to predict decay modes of some nuclei around the element with N=292 and A=120.

Seminarul este parte a raportului de faza din cadrul proiectului PN 19 06 01 01 / 2019 "Cercetari fundamentale de fizica teoretica prin modele cuantice si metode matematice avansate pentru investigarea structurii si dinamicii sistemelor condensate, nucleare si subnucleare".

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