Letter to be turned down by Nature's
M. Apostol
Antiphys. Rev. 86 (2004)
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Positronium spin rotation (A
research project)
M. Apostol
Antiphys. Rev. 87 (2004)
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Institutul de Fizica si
Inginerie Nucleara (IFIN), Magurele- Bucuresti: Strategi si politici
Manageriale. O pozitie si citeva propuneri.
M. Apostol
Antiphys. Rev. 88 (2004)
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Despre lucruri marunte
M. Apostol
Antiphys. Rev. 89 (2004)
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A painful mistake
M. Apostol
Antiphys. Rev. 90 (2004)
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Ref: Reorganizare IFIN-Deficiente si Masuri (Reluare Antiphys. Rev. 88 (2004))
M. Apostol
Antiphys. Rev. 91 (2004)
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La ce viseaza romanul
M. Apostol
Antiphys. Rev. 92 (2004)
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Secretarul de Stat pentru Cercetarea Stiintifica din Romania semneaza gresit despre aceasta Cercetare
M. Apostol
Antiphys. Rev. 93 (2004)
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Guvernul Romaniei "da UE la tot cartierul"
M. Apostol
Antiphys. Rev. 94 (2004)
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Romanul si Frantzuzu
M. Apostol
Antiphys. Rev. 95 (2004)
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Declaratia Aliantei din Iunie 2004
M. Apostol
Antiphys. Rev. 96 (2004)
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Legea Invatamantului Universitar
M. Apostol
Antiphys. Rev. 97 (2004)
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The Last Winter by Adrian Grigore (iUniverse, NY, 2004)
M. Apostol
Antiphys. Rev. 98 (2004)
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Academia Romana
M. Apostol
Antiphys. Rev. 99 (2004)
Magurele si Romania
M. Apostol
Antiphys. Rev. 100 (2004)
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CERES - Competitia C4-Septembrie 2004
M. Apostol
Antiphys. Rev. 101 (2004)
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Enhancing Nanostructures Computations and Materials Characterization - A European Research Project
M. Apostol
Antiphys. Rev. 102 (2004)
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Starea cecetarii stiintifice in Romania, cauzele ei, si masuri ce se impun pentru redresarea situatiei - Octombrie 2004
M. Apostol
Antiphys. Rev. 103 (2004)
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On spin-current injection problem - A research project
L. C. Cune and M. Apostol
Antiphys. Rev. 104 (2004)
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