Google Scholar profile: Dumitru Mihalache
Nonlinear Optics and Photonics Group is part of the
Department of Theoretical Physics at The National Institute for Physics and Nuclear
Engineering “Horia Hulubei”
Prof. Dumitru Mihalache is one of the two recipients of the 2009 Galileo Galilei Award
of the International Commission for Optics (ICO), see Galileo Galilei award and medal.
In recognition of his scientific contributions "made under comparatively unfavourable circumstances", the award committee granted Prof. Mihalache half of
the 2009 Galileo Galilei Award "for his achievements in the field of theoretical nonlinear optics". The other half of the Galileo Galilei Award was granted to Prof. Marat S. Soskin from
the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
In October 2012, Prof. Dumitru Mihalache was elected Fellow of The Optical Society (OSA), Washington, USA, "For significant theoretical contributions to nonlinear wave phenomena at
single and multiple interfaces including surface solitons and spatiotemporal optical solitons", see 2013 Fellows.
Dumitru Mihalache is a Member of the Editorial Board of Romanian Reports in Physics,
an open-access Web of Science archival journal, which is edited and published by the Romanian Academy jointly with the Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering.
Selected publications
A resource paper "THE FIRST SEVENTY VOLUMES OF ROMANIAN REPORTS IN PHYSICS: A BRIEF SURVEY OF THE ROMANIAN PHYSICS COMMUNITY" was published in collaboration with V.I. Vlad, V. Baran, and A.I. Nicolin in an Anniversary Issue of Romanian Reports in Physics.
This paper was dedicated to journal's seven-decade history and to the publication of the 70th volume of Romanian Reports in Physics:
Rom. Rep. Phys. 70, 101 (2018).
An overview paper "Bose-Einstein condensation: Twenty years after" was published in collaboration with V. S. Bagnato, D. J. Frantzeskakis, P. G. Kevrekidis, and B. A. Malomed in a Special Issue of Romanian Reports in Physics dedicated to the twentieth anniversary of the realization of the atomic Bose-Einstein condensation:
Rom. Rep. Phys. 67, 5-50 (2015).
A review paper on ultrashort (few-cycle) solitons in nonlinear optical media and related theoretical and experimental
aspects of few-cycle pulses was published in collaboration with Prof. H. Leblond, Univ. Angers, France:
H. Leblond and D. Mihalache, "Models of few optical cycle solitons beyond the slowly varying envelope
approximation", Phys. Reports 523, 61-126 (2013).
In the course of the past decade, a new level of understanding has been achieved about conditions for the existence, stability and excitation
of solitary waves in both conservative (Hamiltonian) and dissipative nonlinear optical media.
Novel results in the area of spatiotemporal optical solitons (light bullets) have been obtained in both
phenomenological models and those obtained from the first principles (first of all, the one based
on quadratic optical nonlinearities). Prof. Dumitru Mihalache has published in J. Opt. B an overview of spatiotemporal optical
solitons in collaboration with Prof. B. A. Malomed, Tel-Aviv University, Prof. F. Wise, Cornell
University, and Prof. L. Torner, ICFO-Institute de Ciencies Fotoniques, Barcelona.
B. A. Malomed, D. Mihalache, F. Wise, and L. Torner, J. Opt. B Quantum Semiclassical Opt. 7, R53-R72 (2005).
For an overview of recent theoretical and experimental results in the area of spatiotemporal optical solitons, see:
D. Mihalache, Rom. J. Phys. 57, 352-371 (2012).
In collaboration with Prof. H. Leblond,
Angers University, France, an adequate description of few-cycle optical solitons beyond the slowly varying envelope approximation was given;
see a recent overview [H. Leblond and D. Mihalache, Rom. Rep. Phys. 63, 1254-1266 (2011)].
H. Leblond and D. Mihalache, Rom. Rep. Phys. 63, 1254-1266 (2011).
H. Leblond and D. Mihalache, Phys. Rev. A 79, 063835 (2009).
H. Leblond, D. Kremer, and D. Mihalache, Phys. Rev. A 80, 053812 (2009).
H. Leblond, D. Kremer, and D. Mihalache, Phys. Rev. A 81, 033824 (2010).
H. Leblond and D. Mihalache, Phys. Rev. A 81, 063815 (2010).
By using a powerful reductive perturbation technique a generalized modified Korteweg-de Vries nonlinear partial differential equation was derived, which describes the physics of few-optical-cycle dissipative solitons beyond the slowly varying envelope approximation; see, H. Leblond and D. Mihalache, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 43, 375205 (2010).
H. Leblond and D. Mihalache, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 43, 375205 (2010).
In collaboration with Prof. Yingji He from Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University, School of Electronics and Information,
Guangzhou, China, an overview of recent theoretical results in the area of spatial solitons in parity-time-symmetric linear-nonlinear optical lattices was published;
see, Yingji He and Dumitru Mihalache, Rom. Rep. Phys. 64, 1243 (2012).
Yingji He and Dumitru Mihalache, Rom. Rep. Phys. 64, 1243 (2012).
In collaboration with Prof. Fangwei Ye (Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, China),
Prof. Bambi Hu (Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, China, and University of Houston, USA) and Prof.
Nicolae C. Panoiu (University College, London, UK) subwavelength plasmonic lattice solitons in 1D and 2D arrays of metallic nanowires
embedded in nonlinear optical media were introduced.
F. Ye, D. Mihalache, B. Hu, and N.C. Panoiu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 106802 (2010).
The existence of robust families of vortex dipoles in nonrotating Bose-Einstein condensates was theoretically predicted, see, L.-C. Crasovan,
V. Vekslerchik, V. M. Perez-Garcia, J. P. Torres, D. Mihalache, and L. Torner, Phys. Rev. A 68, 063609 (2003); recently, experimental observation
of vortex dipoles in an oblate Bose-Einstein condensate (a few millions of rubidium 87 atoms) was reported, see T. W. Neely, E. C. Samson, A. S. Bradley,
M. J. Davis, and B. P. Anderson, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 160401 (2010). The vortex dipole observed in this recent experiment coincides with a meta-stable
state of superfluid flow with potentially long lifetimes as described in the above mentioned theoretical paper published in 2003 in
Physical Review A. In addition, the real-time dynamics of vortex dipoles in trapped dilute-gas Bose-Einstein condensates was recently
observed in both asymmetric and symmetric configurations, see D. V. Freilich, D. M. Bianchi, A. M. Kaufman, T. K. Langin, and
D. S. Hall, Science 329, 1182-1185 (2010).
L.-C. Crasovan, V. Vekslerchik, V. M. Perez-Garcia, J. P. Torres, D. Mihalache, and L. Torner,
Phys. Rev. A 68, 063609 (2003).
In the framework of the complex cubic-quintic Ginzburg-Landau equation, the existence of stable two-dimensional vortex
solitons (localized vortices), which would be able to carry an orbital angular momentum was theoretically predicted, see, L.-C. Crasovan, B. A.
Malomed, and D. Mihalache, Phys. Rev. E 63, 016605 (2001) and L.-C. Crasovan, B. A. Malomed, and D. Mihalache, Phys. Lett. A 289, 59-65 (2001); recently,
experimental observation of such localized vortices in semiconductor lasers was reported, see P. Genevet, S. Barland, M. Giudici, and J. R. Tredicce,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 223902 (2010). Such spatial structures, predicted in dissipative optical systems with competing nonlinearities such as a laser with
saturable absorber, have received the name of localized vortices (vortex solitons) since they would carry vorticity, but also be bistable and mutually
independent, i.e., they would be able to exist in arbitrary number across the system, depending only on initial conditions, as described in the
above mentioned experimental paper published in 2010 in Physical Review Letters. Such two-dimensional localized vortex states would enable the realization
of arrays of independent and controllable vortex beams, which are useful for advanced optical nanoscopy techniques, microfluidics, or parallel
topological optical information encoding, especially if found in fast and compact sources such as semiconductor lasers, see P. Genevet et al.,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 223902 (2010).
L.-C. Crasovan, B. A. Malomed, and D. Mihalache, Phys. Rev. E 63, 016605 (2001).
L.-C. Crasovan, B. A. Malomed, and D. Mihalache, Phys. Lett. A 289, 59-65 (2001).
Unique swallowtail bifurcation patterns were found in (a) the study of 3D spatiotemporal optical solitons (alias "light bullets") supported by 2D
photonic lattices, see,
D. Mihalache et al.,
Phys. Rev. E 70, 055603 (2004), (b) the study of spatiotemporal optical solitons suported by cylindrical Bessel
lattices, see, D. Mihalache et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 023902 (2005), (c) the study of 3D solitons in attractive
Bose-Einstein condensates loaded in 3D optical lattices, see, D. Mihalache et al., Phys. Rev. A 72, 021601 (2005), and (d) the study of
light bullets in optical media
with competing quadratic and self-focusing
cubic nonlinearities, see, D. Mihalache et al., Phys. Rev. E 74, 047601 (2006).
D. Mihalache et al., Phys. Rev. E 70, 055603 (2004).
D. Mihalache et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 023902 (2005).
D. Mihalache et al., Phys. Rev. A 72, 021601 (2005).
D. Mihalache et al., Phys. Rev. E 74, 047601 (2006).
In a paper in Physical Review Letters, Stefano Minardi and co-workers at Friedrich Schiller University in Jena, Germany, and
at Institute of Photonic Sciences in Barcelona, Spain, reported for the first time the generation of three-dimensional spatiotemporal
optical solitons (alias light bullets) in a hexagonal array of glass waveguides, see S. Minardi et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 263901
(2010) and a Viewpoint in Physics 3, 107 (2010) by Frank W. Wise, Cornell University, USA. These light bullets have a limited
existence range, evolve following varying dispersion or diffraction conditions until they leave their existence range and decay; also
there is a finite energy threshold for the existence of three-dimensional discrete-continuous spatiotemporal optical solitons, see the
earlier theoretical study on the existence and stability domains of these unique localized packets of electromagnetic energy: D.
Mihalache et al., Phys. Rev. E 70, 055603 (2004).
We studied varieties of stable localized vortices in Ginzburg-Landau media with radially inhomogeneous
losses. The balance of transverse diffraction, self-focusing, gain, and the inhomogeneous loss provides for the hitherto elusive
stabilization of vortex solitons in a large area of the parameter space. Stability domains were found for several novel kinds of
vortex solitons, including
spinning elliptically shaped ones, eccentric elliptic vortices, which feature double rotation, spinning crescents, and breathing
vortices, see V. Skarka, N. B. Aleksic, H. Leblond, B. A. Malomed, and D. Mihalache, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 213901 (2010).
V. Skarka, N. B. Aleksic, H. Leblond, B. A. Malomed, and D. Mihalache, Phys. Rev.
Lett. 105, 213901 (2010).
Main results
In collaboration with Dr. Fangwei Ye (Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, China),
Prof. Bambi Hu (Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, China, and University of Houston, USA) and Prof.
Nicolae C. Panoiu (University College, London, UK) we demonstrated the existence of stable subwavelength plasmonic lattice solitons in 1D and 2D arrays of
metallic nanowires embedded in nonlinear optical media. These plasmonic lattice solitons can be used to optically manipulate with nanometer accuracy the
power flow in ultracompact photonic systems, see Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 106802 (2010).
In collaboration with Prof. V. Skarka and Prof. H. Leblond (Angers University, France), Dr. N. B. Aleksic (University of Belgrade,
and Prof. B. A. Malomed (Tel Aviv University, Israel), we studied varieties of stable localized vortices in Ginzburg-Landau media with
radially inhomogeneous losses. Stability domains were found for several novel kinds of
vortex solitons, including
spinning elliptically shaped ones, eccentric elliptic vortices, which feature double rotation, spinning crescents, and breathing
localized vortices, see V. Skarka, N. B. Aleksic, H. Leblond, B. A. Malomed, and D. Mihalache, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 213901 (2010).
- We demonstrated the existence of stable vortex tori in the 3D cubic-quintic Ginzburg-Landau equation (in collaboration with Prof. B. A. Malomed, Tel Aviv University,
Dr. L.-C. Crasovan, Dr. Y. V. Kartashov
and Prof. L. Torner, ICFO-Institut de Ciencies Fotoniques, Barcelona, Spain, and Prof. F. Lederer, Jena University), see Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 073904 (2006).
- The study of existence and stability of three-dimensional solitons supported by cylindrical Bessel lattices in
self-focusing media. The Hamiltonian versus soliton energy diagram features a "swallowtail" bifurcation pattern. The model applies to Bose-Einstein
condensates and to optical media with saturable nonlinearity, suggesting new ways of making stable three-dimensional solitons and "light bullets" of an arbitrary
size (in collaboration with Prof. B. A. Malomed, Tel Aviv University, Dr. L.-C. Crasovan, Dr. Y. V. Kartashov and Prof. L. Torner, ICFO-Institut de
Ciencies Fotoniques, Barcelona, Spain, and Prof. F. Lederer, Jena University), see Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 023902 (2005).
- The concept of “walking solitons” in quadratically nonlinear optical media (in collaboration with Prof. L. Torner,
ICFO-Institut de Ciencies Fotoniques, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain), see Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 2455-2458 (1996).
- The stability of two-parameter families of “walking vector solitons”. We found that the soliton instability is
characterized by the occurrence of complex eigenvalues of the Lyapunov operator, leading to “oscillatory instabilities”, see Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 4353-4356 (1998).
- The prediction of stable spinning three-dimensional solitons, which is the second (after Skyrmions) example of localized physical objects of
that type known in physics (in collaboration with Prof. B. A. Malomed, Tel Aviv University, Prof. L. Torner, and Prof. F. Lederer, Jena University),
see Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 073902 (2002).
- The prediction of robust propagation of quasistable two-color soliton clusters in media with competing quadratic and cubic
self-defocusing nonlinearities (in collaboration with Dr. Ya. V. Kartashov, M. V.
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, Dr. L.-C. Crasovan, and Prof. L. Torner), see Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 273902 (2002).
- The possibility of tailoring, or even arresting, the collapse of wave packets in nonlinear optical media, whose dynamics is governed by nonlocal two-dimensional nonlinear
Schroedinger-like equations. The key ingredient of the proposed scheme is the self-generation of nonlocal optical nonlinearities mediated by wave
rectification (in collaboration with Dr. L.-C. Crasovan, Dr. J. P. Torres, and Prof. L. Torner), see Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 063904 (2003).
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Main research directions
Spatiotemporal solitons
A new topic in both theoretical and experimental studies of optical solitons is provided by the possibility of existence of spatiotemporal optical solitons (sometimes called “light bullets” or “superspikes”), which are completely localized pulses of light. These fully localized spatiotemporal physical objects result from the simultaneous balance of diffraction and dispersion by nonlinear phase modulation. They hold promise for potential applications in ultrafast all-optical processing devices, where each spatiotemporal soliton may represent an elementary bit of information, provided that stable solitons can be formed from pulses at reasonable energy levels in available optical materials. Solitons in quadratic nonlinear media The quadratic solitons in optical media are intrinsically multi-component (multi-color) localized states of light, which can exist in media without inversion symmetry. They may occur as spatial localized beams or temporal nondispersive pulses, or as spatiotemporal
optical solitons (non-diffracting, non-dispersing self-trapped three-dimensional light signals). They might be the ultimate bits of information in future
light processing devices.
Solitons in cubic and saturable nonlinear media
The main research interest is the study of temporal solitons in optical fibers, which are bell-shaped light pulses that
under appropriate conditions can propagate without distortion for large distances. In optical fibers they typically form with short pulses (~20 ps) that
keep in balance temporal broadening due to chromatic dispersion and spectral broadening due to self-phase modulation.
Fiber solitons enjoy a truly remarkable stability against perturbations, including noise, periodic all-optical amplification and cross-talk.
Solitons in dissipative media
Dissipative solitons (or more properly dissipative solitary waves) are “nonlinear modes” of non-integrable non-Hamiltonian physical systems.
Dissipative optical solitons occur as ultra-short pulses generated by laser systems, dispersion-managed solitons in all-optical transmission systems with
gain and loss, spatial solitons in wide aperture lasers, cavity solitons, etc.
New kind of multidimensional non-spinning and spinning solitons (spiral waves) described by the cubic-quintic Ginzburg-Landau equation were studied.
Vortices in Bose-Einstein condensates
Vortices are
ubiquitous physical entities that have been observed in almost all branches of physics. They appear
as flows in hydrodynamics, persistent currents in superfluids, nested phase singularities in optical fields or vortex lines in Bose-Einstein
We investigate new stable families of topological excited collective states of condensed
atoms (tightly confined non-rotating symmetric and asymmetric Bose-Einstein condensates).
Plasmonic lattice solitons
Subwavelength plasmonic lattice solitons can form in both 1D and 2D
arrays of metalic nanowires embedded into a host dielectric medium with a Kerr-type optical nonlinearity.
We investigate stable families of plasmonic lattice solitons in a variety of plasmonic systems. We expect these nonlinear modes to have
important applications to subwavelength nanophotonics.
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