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Dr. Lucian-Cornel Crasovan


Last name: CRASOVAN
Date and place of birth: 20 June 1972, Arad, Romania
Nationality: Romanian

Permanent address:

Institute of Atomic Physics
National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering "Horia Hulubei"
Department of Theoretical Physics
PO Box MG-6, Bucharest, ROMANIA


1995-- Diploma in Physics,
Specialization: Metrology,
Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest.

1996--Master degree in Physics
Specialization: Theoretical Physics
Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest.

2000--PhD degree in Physics,
Institute of Atomic Physics, Bucharest

Field of research:

Nonlinear Optics and Photonics
Computational Methods in Physics

Area of expertise:

Optical solitary waves in quadratic and cubic nonlinear media
Optical solitary waves in media with losses and gain
Optical parametric oscillators
Spatio-temporal solitons
Crank-Nicolson, finite element and split-step Fourier methods for parabolic partial differential equations
Band-matrix and finite element methods for elliptic partial differential equations
Lyapunov stability analysis for nonlinear evolution equations
Iterative solutions of nonlinear equations in several variables

Permanent research position:

Department of Theoretical Physics
Institute of Atomic Physics
National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering "Horia Hulubei"
Bucharest, ROMANIA

e-mail: LucianDOTCrasovanATicfoDOTes

July 1999 - September 1999
October 1999 --
Senior Researcher III (Lecturer)

Temporary research positions:

Institute of Solid State Theory and
Theoretical Optics, Department of Physics, Jena University,
Jena, October 1997-July 1998 (ten months as fellow of DAAD), September-November 1998 (three months) October-December 1999 (two months) (supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft-DFG).

Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Barcelona, February-April 2001 (three months), supported by the European Union, Access to Research Infrastructure Action of the Improving Human Potential Programme

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