This is the home page of the CNCSIS/UEFISCSU project TE_93 contract number 77/4.08.2010 “Looking for a fundamental theory”

Team Members:

Start Date: 1.11.2010

End Date: 31.10.2013

The main objectiv of this project is to study various candidates for a fundamental theory. All these models fit in a class of theories beyond the standard model and we will mainly focus on string, M and F -theory as well as group field theory. We shall study fundamental aspects of string compactifications with background fluxes and various dualities between such compactifications. We shall also consider worldsheet techniques in order to get a better understanding of such non-trivial backgrounds in string theory. Finally we shall be interested in finding suitable candidates for a quantum theory of gravity by studying non--commutative as well as group field theories.

The project will be implemented over a period of three years divided into four reporting phases


Reporting period





1.11.2010 -- 15.12.2010

New backgrounds in string theory



16.12.2010 - 10.12.2011

New backgrounds in string theory and the study of renormalizability in group field theories in 3 and 4 dimensions.

  1. A. Tanasa, “Generalization of Bollobas-Riordan polnomial for tensor graphs” J.Math.Phys. 52 (2011) 073514, -Print: arXiv:1012.1798 [math.CO]

  2. A. Micu, “F-theory compactifications on manifolds with SU(3) structure” Rom.J.Phys. 57 (2012) 906-915, e-Print: arXiv:1112.2138


11.12.2011 - 10.12.2012

Rigorous study of string compactifications with fluxes and new results in group field theory

  1. T. Krajeweski, V. Rivasseau, A. Tanasa, “Combinatorial Hopf algebraic description of multiscale renormalization in quantum field theory”, e-Print: arXiv:1211.4429 [math.CO]

  2. A. Tanasa “ Tensor models in a quantum field theoretical particularization” Proceedings of the Romanian Academy A 13 (2012) 225-234 e-Print: arXiv:1211.4444 [math.CO]

  3. A. Tanasa “Some combinatorial aspects of quantum field theory”, Seminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, B65g (2012)
    e-Print: arXiv:1102.4231 [math.CO]

  4. A. Tanasa “Combinatorics of random tensor models”, Proceedings of the Romanian Academy A13 (2012) 27-31 e-Print: arXiv:1203.5304 [math.CO]

  5. C. I. Lazaroiu, E. M. Babalic, I.A. Coman, “Geometric Algebra Techniques in flux comopactifications (I)” e-Print: arXiv:1212.6918

  6. C. I. Lazaroiu, E. M. Babalic, “Geometric Algebra Techniques in flux comopactifications (II)” e-Print: arXiv:1212.6918


11.12.2012 - 31.10.2013

Consistency study of flux compactifications

  1. S. Dartios, V. Rivasseau, A. Tanasa, “The 1/N expansion of multi-orientable tensor models” e-Print: arXiv:1301.1535

  2. C. I. Lazaroiu, E. M. Babalic, I.A. Coman, “A unified approach to Fierz identities” , e-Print: arXiv:1303.1575 [hep-th]

  3. C. I. Lazaroiu, E. M. Babalic, “Revisting eight-manifold flux compactifications of M-theory using geometric algebra techniques”, e-Print: arXiv:1301.5106

  4. C. I. Lazaroiu, E. M. Babalic, “Geometric algebra and M-theory compactifications” e-Print: arXiv:1301.5094

(Versiune in limba romana).

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