
The Conference will be held at a hotel in Mamaia (pronounced Mamaya), a summer resort with good beaches, practically a suburb (North) of Constanta (pronounced Konstantza), the main harbour on the Black Sea. Accommodation will be provided in 3 or 4 star hotels. The hotels in Mamaia are right on the beach, on a wide strip between the sea at East and Lake Siutghiol (a closed laguna) at West. The cost of accommodation per person (board and breakfast) will be around 30 euro/day in double occupancy rooms and 45 euro/day in single rooms (please note that prices may be subject to currency fluctuations). A number of luxury suites will also be available at 90-100 Euro/day. A limited number of places in youth hostels will be available at lower rates for students. Please contact the organizers for arrangements.
Additional meals for 10-15 euros can be pre-arranged at the same hotel, or the participants can chose to manage by themselves with those commercially available around.
Further details about location and hotel accomodation will be posted later. Please check our website.
Check here to see a plan of Mamaia hotels.


Constanta is served by TAROM the Romanian Airlines and also by the SNCFR the National Railroad Transportation Company. You could reach Bucharest by one of the numerous flight that connect the Romanian capital with the major Europeans airports. You could enjoy in this way a three hours trip by train travel into the heart of Dobrogea and be amazed by the Cernavoda bridge, a "chef d'oeuvre" in bridge construction, the largest bridge in the world when it was built in 1895, or just look at the Danube-Black Sea Channel. The other option is to take a flight to Constanta (Mihail Kogalniceanu Airport) from Bucharest and reach the Conference location with the numerous shuttles or cabs available at the airport.
We plan to assist with the transport from Bucharest to Mamaia the participants arriving Sunday June 12-th with minibuses, and we shall do it at the very end of the school, in reverse direction. For all of these there will be detailed info on this website, later. Alternatively, there is good and easy commercially available transportation. From Bucharest one can pick a train, or a minibus. It is about 3 hours (250 km) to Constanta (cost under 10 euros), then local public transportation to Mamaia, bus or taxi from the train station.



Here you have also a map of the public transportation in Constanta.