Invited lecturers

C. Angulo (Louvain-la-Neuve), M. Arnould (Bruxelles), J. Aysto (Jyvaskyla), D. Bazzacco* (Padova), Ad vd Berg* (Groningen), P. Biermann (Bonn), P. von Brentano (Cologne), L. Buchmann (TRIUMF), A. Bulgac (Seattle), P. Butler (CERN), R. Casten* (Yale), W. Catford (Surrey), P. Descouvemont (Bruxelles), J. de Freitas Pacheco (Nice), W. Greiner (Frankfurt), S. Hannestad* (Copenhagen), S. Hofmann (Darmstadt), J. E. Horvath* (Sao Paulo), M. Itkis (Dubna), R. Janssens (Argonne), J. Jolie (Cologne), J. Jose (Barcelona), S. Jullian (Orsay), H.V. Klapdor-Kleingrothaus (Heidelberg), R. Kruecken (Munich), M. Lewitowicz (Caen), N. LoIudice (Napoli), Z. Majka (Krakow), G. McLaughlin (Raleigh) K. Morita* (Tokyo), T. Motobayashi (Tokyo), G. Munzenberg (Darmstadt), Yu. Ts. Oganessian (Dubna), N. Orr (Caen), S. Petcov (Sofia), D. Poenaru (Bucharest), H. Rebel (Karlsruhe), C. Samanta (Kalkata), J. Schaffner* (Frankfurt), W. Scheid (Giessen), C. Spitaleri (Catania), S. Stoica (Bucharest), J. Suhonen (Jyvaskyla ), F.-K. Thielemann (Basel), R. E. Tribble (College Station), N. Van Giai (Orsay), J. Vary (Iowa), V. Voronov (Dubna), M. Wiescher* (Notre Dame), D.G. Yakovlev (St. Petersburg), N. V. Zamfir (Bucharest), V. Zelevinski (Lansing), etc.

* not yet confirmed

The Proceedings of the conference will be published. Invited lectures will be collected in a special volume published by an internationally recognized Publisher and the oral contributions in a special issue of the Romanian Journal of Physics. Also, a booklet of abstracts will be available at the beginning of the School. For that, we kindly invite the lecturers and the participants who wish to give oral contributions to send the abstracts of their papers (less than 300 words) via email to, before May 15-th, 2005.