In order to study some interesting types of phase transitions in
molecular systems, we have introduced and studied several microscopic
statistical mechanical lattice models for systems that contain molecules
with realistic shapes and orientation-dependent intermolecular
interactions. The methods employed include cluster methods, the rigorous
Pirogov-Sinai theory, and exact solutions. The models to be discussed
include a model for phase transitions in small noble gas crystals, a model
for orientational ordering in liquid carbon tetrachloride, a model for
cubic and hexagonal ice phases and for the ice VII – ice VIII
transition, models for phase separation of molecular mirror images
(enantiomers), an exactly-solvable three-component system containing
water, oil, and an amphiphile, a model for an ordered phase of guanidinium
nitrate at the mercury – water interface, and a model for underpotential
deposition of a metal on a crystalline electrode. Included in the
discussion of the last model will be recent results on the effects of
finite electrode crystal sizes on the shapes of experimental spikes in the
electrode current that are associated with phase transitions at the liquid
– crystal interface.