
 TITLE: Applications of Riemannian submersions in physics

 AUTHORS: Maria Laura Falcitelli-Dipartimento di Matematica, Universita di Bari,
                   Bari, Italy

                   Stere Ianus-Department of Mathematics, University of Bucharest,
                   Bucharest, Romania

                   Anna Maria Pastore-Dipartimento di Matematica, Universita di Bari,
                   Bari, Italy 

                   Mihai Visinescu-Department of Theoretical Physics, NIPNE, Magurele,
                   Bucharest, Romania



Many results on the Riemannian submersions are relevant in various areas of mathematical physics as Kaluza-Klein theories, Yang-Mills equations, strings, supergravity. Interest in higher dimensional theories has been ignited once again in recent years due largely to the discovery that the underlying symmetry of the fundamental interactions is geometrical, local and gauged.
