AUTHORS: N. Suciu1, C. Vamos1,
J. Vanderborght2,
H. Hardelauf2
1Romanian Academy, "T. Popoviciu'' Institute of
2Forschungscentrum Julich, ICG-IV: Agrosphare, Germany
Diffusion in random velocity
fields is often used as stochastic model for transport
processes in turbulent atmosphere, natural porous media or plasma physics.
The stochastic process can be numerically simulated by sets of random
walkers evolving in realizations of a random velocity field. Unlike
the traditional methods which simulate and
store all the random walkers trajectories,
the Global Random Walk algorithm performs the spreading
of all the particles lying at a grid node in a single computing step.
In this way, we can use numbers of particles large enough for accurate
simulations of diffusion in single
realizations and we obtain large statistical
ensembles corresponding to different realizations of the random field.
Considering typical parameters from subsurface hydrology transport problems,
we compute the effective diffusion coefficients for single realizations
and their ensemble average and we find a bell shaped dependence of
the longitudinal effective diffusion coefficient as function of Peclet