
 TITLE: Fine structure of radiation spectrum of charged particles moving in
            constant magnetic fields in nonabsorbable isotropic media and in vacuum


 AUTHORS: A. V. Konstantinovich, S. V. Melnychuk, I. A. Konstantinovich

           Chernivtsi National University, 2, Kotsyubinsky St., Chernivtsi,
           58012, Ukraine




The integral expressions for spectral distributions of the radiation power of heterogeneous charged particles systems moving on arbitrary trajectory in nonabsorbable isotropic media and in vacuum are obtained using the Lorentz's self-interaction method. These distributions permited the study of the spectral-angular and spectral distributions of the radiation power of the homogeneuos system of particles moving in a spiral in nonabsorbable medium and vacuum. 
The role of the coherent factor in the redistribution of the radiation energy for a system of electrons moving in a spiral was investigated
