

  1. A priori Knowledge Driven Input to Bayesian Two-Rule Automatic Adaptive Quadrature
    G. Adam, S. Adam
    AIP Conference Proceedings 3181 (2024) 050002
  2. Exponential fitting for interpolation of oscillatory functions A numerical approach
    L.G. Ixaru
    Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 437 (2024) 115479
  3. Design of Nanoscale Quantum Interconnects Aided by Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks
    A.T. Preda, C.A. Pantis-Simut, M. Marciu, D.V. Anghel, A. Allosh, L. Ion, A. Manolescu, G.A. Nemnes
    Applied-Science Basel 14 (2024) 1111
  4. Tuning phosphorene and MoS2 2D materials for detecting volatile organic compounds associated with respiratory diseases
    A. Allosh, C.A. Pantis-Simut, N. Filipoiu, A.T. Preda, G. Necula, I. Ghitiu, D.V. Anghel, M.A. Dulea and G.A. Nemnes
    RSC Advances 14 (2024) 1803
  5. Resonance phenomena in a nanomagnet coupled to a Josephson junction under external periodic drive
    K. V. Kulikov, D. V. Anghel, M. Nashaat, M. Dolineanu, M. Sameh and Yu. M. Shukrinov
    Physical Review B 109 (2024) 014429
  6. Garrett approximation for quantum dots
    V. Barsan
    Romanian Reports in Physics 76 (2024) 501
  7. Data analysis evidence beyond correlation of a possible causal impact of weather on the COVID-19 spread, mediated by human mobility
    D.R. Nichita, M. Dima, L. Boboc, M.G. Hancean
    Scientific Reports 14 (2024) 17782
  8. Non-Monotonic Variation of Acoustic Spectrum with the Mass or Thickness of a Layered Structure
    S. Cojocaru
    Acoustics 6 (2024) 805
  9. Aspects of Noncommutative Dynamics: Particles
    C.S. Acatrinei
    Proceedings Geometry Integrability Quantization 30 (2024) 1
  10. Power corrections to the modified QCD perturbative series based on conformal mapping of the Borel plane
    I. Caprini
    Physical Review D 109 (2024) 074002
  11. Weyl quadratic gravity as a gauge theory and non-metricity vs torsion duality
    C. Condeescu, D.M. Ghilencea, A. Micu
    European Physical Journal C 84 (2024) 292
  12. Rigid vacua with Brane Supersymmetry Breaking
    C. Angelatoni, C. Condeescu, E. Dudas, G. Leone
    Journal of High Energy Physics 04 (2024) 103
  13. Standard Model in conformal geometry: Local vs gauged scale invariance
    D.M. Ghilencea, C.T. Hill
    Annals of Physics 460 (2024) 169562
  14. EPR paradox and quantum field theories
    R. Jora
    Romanian Journal of Physics 69 (2024) 114
  15. A compact expression for the supersymmetryc Lagrangian
    R. Jora
    Proceedings of the Romanian Academy Series A 25 (2024) 111
  16. Phenomenological aspects of a unified theory of gravity and matter
    R. Jora, S. Mitra-Kirley
    Romanian Journal of Physics 69 (2024) 402
  17. Freedom in the Many-Worlds Interpretation
    O. C. Stoica
    Foundations of Physics 54 (2024) 68
  18. Is the Wavefunction Already an Object on Space?
    O.C. Stoica
    Symmetry-Basel 16 (2024) 1379
  19. Empirical adequacy of the time operator canonically conjugate to a Hamiltonian generating translations
    O.C. Stoica
    Physica Scripta 99 (2024) 085102
  20. Does Quantum Mechanics Require "Conspiracy"?
    O.C. Stoica
    Entropy 26 (2024) 411
  21. On the slow roll expansion of one-field cosmological models
    C.I. Lazaroiu
    Nuclear Physics B 1000 (2024) 116466
  22. Generalized eddy-diffusivity mass-flux formulation for the parametrization of atmospheric convection and turbulence
    C.V. Vraciu
    Quartely Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 150 (2024) 2316
  23. In what conditions an urban heat island can initiate deep convection? Theoretical estimations
    C. V. Vraciu
    Theoretical and Applied Climatology 155 (2024) 567
  24. A semiclassical perspective on nuclear chirality
    R. Budaca
    Fronties of Physics 19 (2024) 24301
  25. Quadrupole-octupole collective excitations in medium mass nuclei
    R. Budaca, A.I. Budaca, P. Buganu
    Physica Scripta 99 (2024) 035309
  26. Properties of the single-particle spectrum generated by the mixed fractional rotation group
    R. Budaca
    Journal of Physics G Nuclear and Particle Physics 51 (2024) 045102
  27. Axial quadrupole and octupole dynamics in heavy even-even nuclei
    R. Budaca, P. Buganu, A.I. Budaca
    Nuovo Cimento C - Colloguia and Communications in Physics 47 (2024) 25
  28. Shapes and structure for the lowest states of the 42,44 Ca isotopes
    R. Bendeji, R. Budaca, P. Buganu, Y. El Bassem, A. Lahbas, M. Oulne
    Physics Scripta 99 (2024) 055307
  29. Equation of state of nuclear matter from collective flows and stopping in intermediate-energy heavy-ion collisions
    M.D. Cozma
    Physical Review C 110 (2024) 064911
  30. Comparing pion production in transport simulations of heavy-ion collisions at 270 A MeV under controlled conditions
    J. Xu, H. Wolter, M. Colonna, M.D. Cozma et al.
    Physical Review C 109 (2024) 044609
  31. Dense nuclear matter equation of state from heavy-ion collisions
    A. Sorensen, K. Agarwal,...,M.D. Cozma et al.
    Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics 134 (2024) 104080
  32. Interplay between strong, weak and electromagnetic interactions revealed by nuclear decay processes
    A. Dumitrescu, D.S. Delion
    Nuovo Cimento C - Colloguia and Communications in Physics 47 (2024) 8
  33. Surface Vibrations of Bubble-like Superheavy Nuclei
    S. Misicu
    Particles 7 (2024) 214
  34. Resonant enhancement of an X-ray laser electric field inside an atom
    Ş. Misicu
    International Journal of Modern Physics B 38 (2024) 2450060
  35. Neutrinoless Double-Beta Decay Investigations of 82Se Using Three Shell Model Hamiltonians
    A. Neacsu, M. Horoi
    Symmetry-Basel 16 (2024) 974
  36. Spectral shapes of second-forbidden single-transition nonunique β decays assessed using the nuclear shell model
    M. Ramalho, J. Suhonen, A. Neacsu, S. Stoica
    Frontiers in Physics 12 (2024) 1455778
  37. Shell model studies using a statistical approach for the double-beta decay of 136136Xe
    M. Horoi, A. Neacsu
    AIP Conf. Proc. 3128 (2024) 020006
  38. Description of Charged Particle Dependence on Transverse Momentum with Tsallis-Like Distribution
    E.V. Nedorezov, A.S. Parvan, A.A. Aparin
    Physics of Particles and Nuclei 55 (2024) 984
  39. Decay of the superheavy nucleus 310126
    R.A. Gherghescu, H.Stoecker, D.N. Poenaru
    Physical Review C 109 (2024) 024611
  40. Fission valleys and favored isotopes emitted from 310126
    R.A. Gherghescu, H.Stoecker, D.N. Poenaru
    European Physical Journal A 60 (2024) 121
  41. Toward a new approach for the pygmy dipole resonance in even-even nuclei. Application to isotopes 144,148,150,152,154Sm
    A.A. Raduta, C.M. Raduta, A.H. Raduta
    Journal of Physics G Nuclear and Particle Physics 51 (2024) 045107
  42. Pair condensation in the excited states of nuclei
    T. Popa, N. Sandulescu, M. Sambataro
    Nuovo Cimento C - Colloguia and Communications in Physics 47 (2024) 45
  43. Proton-neutron pairing, quartet condensation and α- transfer in N=Z nuclei
    N. Sandulescu, M. Sambataro, A. Volya
    EPJ Web of Conferences 292 (2024) 01003
  44. Theoretical Advances in Beta and Double-Beta Decay
    V.A. Sevestrean, S. Stoica
    Symmetry-Basel 16 (2024) 390
  45. A Systematic Study of Two-Neutrino Double Electron Capture
    O. Nitescu, S. Ghinescu, S. Stoica, F. Simkovic
    Universe 10 (2024) 98
  46. High-precision measurements of the atomic mass and electron-capture decay Q value of 95 Tc
    Z. Ge, T. Eronen, V.A. Sevestrean, O. Nitescu, S. Stoica et al
    Physics Letters B 859 (2024) 139094
  47. Direct high-precision measurement of the mass difference of 77As and 77Se related to neutrino mass determination
    Z. Ge, T. Eronen, M. Ramalho, A. de Roubin, D. A. Nesterenko, A. Kankainen, O. Beliuskina, R. de Groote, S. Geldhof, W. Gins, M. Hukkanen, A. Jokinen, A. Koszorus, J. Kotila, J. Kostensalo, I. D. Moore, P. Pirinen, A. Raggio, S. Rinta-Antila, V.A. Sevestrean, J. Suhonen, V. Virtanen, A. Zadvornaya
    The European Physical Journal A 60 (2024) 104
  48. Dumbbell shapes in the superasymmetric fission of heavy nuclei
    F.A. Ivanyuk, N. Carjan
    Physical Review C 110 (2024) 064616
  49. Atomic corrections for the unique first-forbidden β transition of 187Re
    O. Nitescu, R. Dvornicky, F. Simkovic
    Physical Review C 109 (2024) 025501
  50. A Systematic Study of Two-Neutrino Double Electron Capture
    O. Nitescu, S. Ghinescu, S. Stoica, F. Simkovic
    Universe 10 (2024) 98
  51. The Impact of Electron Phase Shifts on ββ-Decay Kinematics
    O. Nitescu, S. Ghinescu, F. Simkovic
    Universe 10 (2024) 442
  52. Addressing the discrepancy between experimental and theoretical spectra of low-energy beta transitions
    O. Nitescu, S. Stoica, F. Simkovic
    AIP Conference Proceedings 3138 (2024) 020012
  53. Mixture between the SSD and HSD hypothesis in 2νββ decay
    O. Nitescu, R Dvornicky, F Simkovic
    AIP Conference Proceedings 3138 (2024) 020019
  54. L-Shell capture dominance in 127Xe, 207Bi and 236Np
    V.A. Sevestrean, O. Nitescu, S. Ghinescu, S. Stoica
    AIP Conference Proceedings 3138 (2024) 020017
  55. Irreversibility and entropy production in two coupled bosonic modes interacting with a thermal environment
    T. Mihaescu, A. Isar
    European Physical Journal Plus 139 (2024) 82
  56. Free information in Gaussian open systems
    S. Suciu, A. Isar
    Romanian Journal of Physics 69 (2024) 105
  57. Effect of noisy environment on secure quantum teleportation of unimodal Gaussian states
    S. Mehrabankar, P. Mahmoudi, F. Abbasnezhad, D. Afshar, A. Isar
    Quantum Information Processing 23 (2024) 343
  58. BCS surrogate models for floating superconductor-semiconductor hybrids
    V.V. Baran, J. Paaske
    Physical Review B 109 (2024) 224501
  59. Spin-1 Haldane chains of superconductor-semiconductor hybrids
    V.V. Baran, J. Paaske
    Physical Review B 110 (2024) 064503
  60. Localized structures in optical media and Bose-Einstein condensates: an overview of recent theoretical and experimental results
    D. Mihalache
    Romanian Reports in Physics 76 (2024) 402
  61. The band structure of helical waveguide arrays in topological photonics: a tutorial
    H. Zhong, D. Mihalache, S. Shen, Y.Q. Zhang
    Romanian Reports in Physics 76 (2024) 903
  62. Dynamics of periodic soliton solutions to the AB system under vanishing boundary condition
    F. Zhou, D. Mihalache, S.L. Zhang, J.G. Rao
    Nonlinear Dynamics 113 (2024) 783
  63. The multiple bright solitaon pairs of the fully pt-symmetric nonlocal Davey-Stewartson I equation
    N. Liang, D. Mihalache, M.J. Ma, J.G. Rao, Y.X. Liu
    Romanian Reports in Physics 76 (2024) 106
  64. Multiple solitons and breathers on periodic backgrounds in the complex modified Korteweg-de Vries equation
    J.G. Rao, D. Mihalache, J.S. He
    Applied Mathematics Letters 160 (2024) 109308
  65. The coupled space-shifted nonlocal nonlinear Schrodinger equation: Multiple bright-dark double-pole solitons, multiple negaton-type solitons, and their associated mixed solitons
    J.G. Rao, D. Mihalache, M.J. Ma, J.S. He
    Physics Letters A 493 (2024) 129244
  66. Bound-in-continuum-like corner states in the type-II Dirac photonic lattice
    S.G. Feng, H. Zhong, M.R. Belic, D. Mihalache, Y.D. Li, Y.Q. Zhang
    Chaos Solitons and Fractals 181 (2024) 114719
  67. Bright solitons on periodic background in the nonlocal Davey-Stewartson I equation with fully space-shifted PT -symmetry
    M.J. Ma, D. Mihalache, F. Zhou, S.A. Chen, J.S. He, J.G. Rao
    Nonlinear Dynamics 112 (2024) 18453
  68. M-shaped solitons in cubic nonlinear media with a composite linear potential
    L.W. Zheng, D. Mihalache, X. Zhu, J.S. He
    Nonlinear Dynamics 112 (2024) 3811
  69. Elliptical and rectangular solitons in media with competing cubic-quintic nonlinearities
    L.W. Zheng, M.R. Belic, D. Mihalache, X. Zhu
    Chaos Solitons and Fractals 181 (2024) 114645
  70. Higher-order vortex solitons in Kerr nonlinear media with a flat-bottom potential
    L.W. Zeng, T.T Wang, M.R. Belic, D. Mihalache, X. Zhu
    Nonlinear Dynamics 112 (2024) 22283
  71. Resonant solutions of the Davey-Stewartson II equation and their dynamics
    J.G. Rao, D. Mihalache, J.S. He, Y. Cheng
    Wave Motion 127 (2024) 103294
  72. Mode conversion of various solitons in parabolic and cross-phase potential wells
    Q. Wang, D. Mihalache, M.R. Belic, J. Lin
    Optics Letters 49 (2024) 1607
  73. Symmetry-breaking bifurcations of pure-quartic solitons in dual-core couplers
    P.F. Li, L.L. Dong, D. Mihalache, B.A. Malomed
    Optics Letters 39 (2024) 5858
  74. Two-dimensional gap solitons in cubic-quintic nonlinear media with PT-symmetric lattices and fractional diffraction
    X. Zhu, M.R. Belic, D. Mihalache, D. Xiang, L.W. Zeng
    European Physical Journal Plus 139 (2024) 1116
  75. Centrosymmetric multipole solitons with fractional-order diffraction in two-dimensional parity-time-symmetric optical lattices
    X. Zhu, M.R. Belic, D. Mihalache, D.W. Cao, L.W. Zeng
    Physica D Nonlinear Phenomena 470 (2024) 134379
  76. Composite solitons in spin-orbit-coupled Bose-Einstein condensates within optical lattices
    J.B. Chen, D. Mihalache, M.R. Belic, X.Z. Gao, D.F. Zhu, D.N. Deng, S.B. Qiu, X. Zhu, L.W. Zeng
    Chaos Solitons and Fractals 186 (2024) 115325
  77. Solitons in composite linear-nonlinear moiré lattices
    L.W. Zheng, B.A. Malomed, D. Mihalache, J.Z. Li, X. Zhu
    Optics Letters 49 (2024) 6944
  78. Multi-hump solitons under fractional diffraction and inhomogeneous cubic nonlinearity in a quadratic potential
    X.Z. Gao, D. Mihalache, M.R. Belic, J.C. Shi, D.W. Cao, X. Zhu, L.W. Zeng
    Physics Letters A 527 (2024) 130018
  79. Dark gap solitons in bichromatic optical superlattices under cubic-quintic nonlinearities
    J.B. Chen, D. Mihalache, M.R. Belic, J.C. Shi, D.F. Zhu, D.N. Deng, S.B. Qiu, R.W. Liao, X. Zhu, L.W. Zeng
    Chaos 34 (2024) 113131
  80. Dark gap soliton families in coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equations with linear lattices
    J.B. Chen, D. Mihalache, M.R. Belic, W.Q. Qin, D.F. Zhu, X. Zhu, L.W. Zeng
    Nonlinear Dynamics (2024) Dynamics Nonlinear
  81. Latest FLUKA developments
    G Hugo, C Ahdida, D Bozzato, D Calzolari, F Cerutti, A Ciccotelli, A. Cimmino, A. Devienne, A. D. Servelle, P. K. Dyrcz, L. S. Esposito, A. Formento, R. Froeschl, R. Garcia Alia, S. Gilardoni, A. Gomes, D. Horvath, B. Humann, A. Infantino, A. Lechner, B. Lefebvre, G. Lerner, T. Lorenzon, D. Lucsanyi, M. Magistris, S. Marin, G. Mazzola, S. Niang, E. Nowak, F. Ogallar Ruiz, J.-B. Potoine, F. Pozzi, D. Prelipcean, V. Rodin, S. Roesler, M. Sabate Gilarte, M. S. Barbero, F. Salvat-Pujol, P. Schoofs, A.-G. Serban, I. Sharankov, C. Theis, M. Tisi, A. Tsinganis, R. Versaci, V. Vlachoudis, A. Waets, M. Widorski, I. Zymak,
    EPJ Nuclear Sciences & Technologies 10 (2024) 20
  82. Nuclear elastic scattering of protons below 250 MeV in FLUKA v4-4.0 and its role in single-event-upset production in electronics
    A.G. Serban, A. Coronetti, R. G. Alia, F. Salvat-Pujol, on behalf of the FLUKA. CERN Collaboration
    Computer Physics Communications 303 (2024) 109276
  83. From the Weyl-Schroedinger connection to the accelerating Universe: Extending Einstein's gravity via a length preserving nonmetricity
    L. Ming, S.-D. Liang, H.-H. Zhang, T. Harko
    Physical Review D 109 (2024) 024003
  84. The first variation of the matter energy momentum tensor with respect to the metric and its implications on modified gravity theories
    Z. Haghani, T. Harko, S. Shahidi
    Physics of the Dark Universe 44 (2024) 101448
  85. Cosmological implications of the Weyl geometric gravity theory
    T. Harko, S. Shahidi
    The European Physical Journal C 84 (2024) 509
  86. Testing Weyl geometric gravity with the SPARC galactic rotation curves database
    M. Craciun, T. Harko
    Physics of the Dark Universe 43 (2024) 101423
  87. Weyl geometric effects on the propagation of light in gravitational fields
    M. A. Oancea, T. Harko
    Physical Review D 109 (2024) 064020
  88. Gravitationally induced matter creation in scalar-tensor f(R,TT) gravity
    R.A.C. Cipriano, T. Harko, F.S.N. Lobo, M.A.S. Pinto, J.L. Rosa
    Physics of the Dark Universe 44 (2024) 101463
  89. Thermodynamics of the Weyl geometric gravity black holes
    M.F.A.R. Sakti, P. Burikham, T. Harko
    Physical Review D 110 (2024) 064012

Past Years Publications:   2023