Professor, PhD in Physics
National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering
Magurele, Bucharest
e-mail address:
Spontaneous symmetry
breaking and Higgs mechanism in non-abelian gauge theories.
Incorporating chiral fermions in non-abelian gauge theories.
Weinberg-Salam gauge theory of electroweak interactions. Mass
spectrum and Feynman rules in Higgs, gauge and leptonic field
sectors. Inclusion of hadrons: Glashow-Iliopoulos-Maiani theory.
Mass spectrum and Feynman rules in hadronic sector. Anomalies.
Renormalization of electroweak theory. Quantum chromodynamics.
Standard SU(3)xSU(2)xU(1) gauge theory of strong and electroweak
Grand unification
strategies. SU(5) grand unified theory. Higgs, gauge and chiral
fermion field spectra. Spontaneous breaking of SU(5) symmetry.
Mass spectrum and Feynman rules in SU(5) grand unified theory.
Introduction to supersymmetry. Introduction to supergravity.
Fields of interest
- Quantum Field Theory
- Theory of Elementary Particles
- General Relativity
- Unification Theory
- Mathematical Physics
Selected papers
- Papers published in ISI journals
- S. Ciulli, Gr. Ghika, M. Stihi, M. Visinescu
General solution of the one channel scattering singular integral equations
Phys. Rev., 154, 1345-1357 (1967)
- M. Stihi, M. Visinescu
Integral equations in the one channel relativistic case, including CDD poles
Nuclear Energy, 2, 26-30 (1967)
- Gr. Ghika, E. Radescu, M. Visinescu
On the weak axial mean square radius of the nucleon from photoproduction sum rules
Progr. Theor. Phys., 39, 1085-1086 (1968)
- M. Visinescu
Contact term for
decay in Veneziano model
Progr. Theor. Phys., 42 , 136-137 (1969)
- Gr. Ghika, E. Radescu, M. Visinescu
Current algebra calculation of the
scattering lengths
Acta. Phys. Polonica, A37, 167-172 (1970)
- Gr. Ghika, M. Visinescu
On the positivity of the
resonance widths in the Veneziano model
Nuovo Cimento, A65, 707-714 (1970)
- Gr. Ghika, M. Visinescu
Veneziano model and the pion electromagnetic formfactor
Lett. Nuovo Cimento, 3, 9-12 (1970)
- M. T. Grisaru, M. Visinescu
A parton model of electromagetic formfactor of hadrons
Nuovo Cimento, 7A, 417-434 (1972)
- Gr. Ghika, M. Visinescu
New bounds on the pion electromagnetic form factor and its derivative
Nuovo Cimento, 13A, 385-396 (1973)
- Gr. Ghika, M. Visinescu
Qualitative study of the renormalization group equations
Nuovo Cimento, 27A , 183-193 (1975)
- Gr. Ghika, M. Visinescu
Renormalization group equations with multiple coupling constants
Nuovo Cimento, 31A, 294-304 (1976)
- Gr. Ghika, M. Visinescu
Zeta function regularization of the one loop effective potential
Nuovo Cimento, 46A, 25-36 (1978)
- Gr. Ghika, M. Visinescu
Gribov vacuum copies in terms of harmonic maps
Phys. Rev., D21, 1538-1542 (1980)
- Gr. Ghika, M. Visinescu
Constraints of a generally covariant four dimensional sigma model
Phys. Lett., 93B, 411-418 (1980)
- Gr. Ghika, M. Visinescu
Four dimensional sigma model coupled to the metric tensor field
Nuovo Cimento, 59B, 59-74 (1980)
- Gr. Ghika, M. Visinescu
Meron solution of the sigma model and singular harmonic maps
Zeitschrift für Physik, C11, 353-357 (1982)
- M. Visinescu
New instanton and meron solutions of a generally covariant four dimensional sigma model
Zeitschrift für Physik, C15, 121-127 (1982)
- M. D. Scadron, M. Visinescu
The soft momentum quark model predictions for the pseudoscalar meson decays into lepton pairs
Phys. Rev., D29, 911-918 (1984)
- M. D. Scadron, M. Visinescu
nonleptonic weak decays via current algebra,
partial conservation of axial-vector current,
and the quark model
Phys. Rev., D28, 1117-1124 (1983)
- M. Visinescu
Renormalization group equations of Briot-Bouquet type
Zeitschrift für Physik, C28, 555-558 (1985)
- S. Ianus, M. Visinescu
Spontaneous compactification induced by nonlinear scalar dynamics, gauge fields and submersions
Classical and Quantum Gravity, 3, 889-896 (1986)
- S. Ianus, M. Visinescu
Kaluza-Klein theory with scalar fields and generalized Hopf manifolds
Clasical and Quantum Gravity, 4, 1317-1325 (1987)
- M. Visinescu
Massless Kaluza-Klein gauge fields and space-time compactification induced by scalars
Europhys. Lett., 4, 767-770 (1987)
- M. Visinescu
Space-time compactification induced by nonlinear sigma models, gauge fields and submersions
Czech. Journ. of Phys., B37, 525-528 (1987)
- I. A. Dorobantu, M. Visinescu
The physical basis of morphogenesis
Fortsch. Phys., 37, 857-872 (1989)
- M. Visinescu
Kaluza-Klein monopole in a nonlinear sigma model coupled to gravity
Europhys. Lett., 10, 101-104 (1989)
- I. Caprini, L. Micu, M. Visinescu
Comment on
decay and the pion wave function
Zeitschrift fur Physik, C56, 225-229 (1992)
- M. Visinescu
The geodesic motion on generalized Taub-NUT gravitational instantons
Zeitschrift fur Physik, C60, 337-341 (1993)
- M. Visinescu
Geodesic motion in Taub-NUT spinning space
Classical Quantum Gravity, 11, 1867-1879 (1994)
- M. Visinescu
Generalized Runge-Lenz vector in Taub-NUT spinning space
Phys. Lett., B339, 28-34 (1994)
- D. Vaman, M. Visinescu
Generalized Killing equations and Taub-NUT spinning space
Phys. Rev., D54, 1398-1402 (1996)
- M. Visinescu
Generalized Killing equations for spinning spaces and the role of Killing-Yano tensors
Nucl. Phys. (Proc. Suppl.), 56B, 142-147 (1997)
- D. Vaman, M. Visinescu
Spinning particles in Taub-NUT space
Phys. Rev., D57, 3790-3793 (1998)
- D. Vaman, M. Visinescu
Supersymmetries and constants of motion in Taub-NUT spinning space
Fortschr. Phys., 47, 493-514 (1999)
- M. Visinescu
On the Taub-NUT spinning space
Fortschr. Phys., 48, 229-232 (2000)
- I. I. Cotaescu, M. Visinescu
Schrödinger quantum modes on the Taub-NUT background
Mod. Phys. Lett., A15, 145-157 (2000)
- M. Visinescu
Generalized Taub-NUT metrics and Killing-Yano tensors
J. Phys. A: Math. Gen., 33, 4383-4391 (2000)
- I. I. Cotaescu, M. Visinescu
The Dirac field in Taub-NUT background
Int. Journ. Mod. Phys., A16, 1743-1758 (2001)
- I. I. Cotaescu, M. Visinescu
Runge-Lenz operator for Dirac field in Taub-NUT background
Phys. Lett., B502, 229-234 (2001)
- I. I. Cotaescu, M. Visinescu
Non-existence of f-symbols in generalized Taub-NUT spacetimes
J. Phys. A: Math. Gen., 34, 6459-6464 (2001)
- I. I. Cotaescu, M. Visinescu
Dynamical algebra and Dirac quantum modes in the Taub-NUT background
Class. Quantum Gravity, 18, 3383-3393 (2001)
- M. Visinescu
Fermions in Taub-NUT background
Int. Journ. Mod. Phys., A17, 1049-1054 (2002)
- I. I. Cotaescu, M. Visinescu
Hierarchy of Dirac, Pauli and Klein-Gordon conserved operators in Taub-NUT background
Journal Math. Phys., 43, 2978-2987 (2002)
- I. I. Cotaescu, M. Visinescu
Dirac operators on Taub-NUT space: Relationship and discrete transformations
General Relativity and Gravitation, 35, 389-400 (2003)
- I. I. Cotaescu, M. Visinescu
Symmetries of the Dirac operators associated with covariantly constant Killing-Yano tensors
Classical Quantum Gravity, 21, 11-28 (2004)
- I. I. Cotaescu, M. Visinescu
The induced representation of the isometry group of the Euclidean Taub-NUT space and new spherical harmonics
Modern Physics Lett., A19, 1397-1409 (2004)
- M. Visinescu
Dirac-type operators on curved spaces and the role of the Killing-Yano tensors
Theor. Math. Phys. 144, 1054-1052 (2005)
- I. I. Cotaescu, S. Moroianu, M. Visinescu
Quantum anomalies for generalized Euclidean Taub-NUT metrics
J. Phys. A:Math. Gen. 38, 7005-7019 (2005)
- S. A. Carstea, M. Visinescu
Special solutions for Ricci flow equation in 2D using the linearization approach
Modern Physics Lett. A20, 2393-3002 (2005)
- S. Moroianu, M. Visinescu
Finitness of the L2-index of the Dirac operator of generalized Euclidean Taub-NUT metrics
J. Phys. A:Math. Gen. 39, 6575-6581 (2006)
- B. Saha V. Rikhvitsky, M. Visinescu
Bel-Robinson tensor and dominant energy property in Bianchi type I Universe
Mod. Phys. Lett. A21, 847-861 (2006)
- I. I. Cotaescu, M. Visinescu
Superalgebras of Dirac operators on manifolds with special
Killing-Yano tensorse
Fortschr. Phys. 54, 1142-1164 (2006)
- M. Visinescu
Fermions on curved spaces, symmetries, and quantum
SIGMA 2, 083 (2006)
- I. I. Cotaescu, M. Visinescu
Infinite loop superalgebras of the Dirac theory on the Euclidean
Taub-NUT spacee
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 40, 11987-11999 (2007)
- S. I. Vacaru, M. Visinescu
Nonholonomic Ricci flows and running cosmological constant:
I. 4D Taub-NUT metricse
Int. J. Mod. Phys. 22, 1135-1159 (2007)
- E. Radu, M. Visinescu
A note on Klein-Gordon equation in a generalized Kaluza-Klein
monopole backgrounde
Mod. Phys. Lett. A 22, 1621-1634 (2007)
- I. I. Cotaescu, M. Visinescu
Superalgebra of Dirac-type operators of the Euclidean Taub-NUT space
Fortschr. Phys. 56, 400-405 (2008)
- M. Visinescu
Non-standard supersymmetries on spaces admitting Killing-Yano tensors
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 41, 164072 (8pp) (2008)
- B. Saha, M. Visinescu
String cosmological model in the presence of a magnetic flux
Astrophys. Space Sci. 315, 99-104 (2008)
- S. Ianus, M. Visinescu, G. E. Vilcu
Conformal Killing-Yano tensors on manifolds with mixed
SIGMA 5, 022 (2009)
- B. Saha, V. Rikhvitsky, M. Visinescu
Bianchi type-I string cosmological model in the presence of a
magnetic flux: exact and qualitative solutions
Cent. Eur. J. Phys. 8, 113-119 (2010)
- M. Visinescu
Nonlinear symmetries on spaces admitting Killing tensors
Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simulat. 15, 823-834 (2010)
- M. Visinescu
Higher order first integrals of motion in a gauge covariant
Hamiltonian framework
Mod. Phys. Lett. A 25, 341-350 (2010)
- B. Saha, M. Visinescu
Bianchi type-I model with cosmic string in the presence of a
magnetic field: spinor descriptionS
Int. J. Theor. Phys. 49, 1411-1421 (2010)
- M. Visinescu
Hidden conformal symmetries and quantum gravitational
EPL Europhys. Lett. 90, 41002 (2010)
- S. Ianus, M. Visinescu, G.-E. Vilcu
Hidden symmetries and Killing tensors on curved spaces
Phys. Atomic Nuclei 70, 1925-1930 (2010)
- M. Visinescu
Covariant approach of the dynamics of particles in external gauge
fields, Killing tensors and quantum gravitational anomalies
SIGMA 7, 037 (2011)
- M. Visinescu
Hidden symmetries in agauge covariant approach, Hamiltonian
reduction and oxidation
Mod. Phys. Lett. A 26, 2719-2730 (2011)
- B. Saha, V. Rikhvitsky, M. Visinescu
Bianchi type-I string cosmological model in the presence of a
magnetic field: classical versus loop quantum cosmology approach
Astrophys. Space Sci. 339, 371-377 (2012)
- M. Visinescu, G. E. Vilcu
Hidden symmetries of Euclideanised Kerr-NUT-(A)dS metrics in
certain scaling limits
SIGMA 8, 058 (2012)
- M. Visinescu
First integrals of motion in a gauge covariant framework,
Killing-Maxwell system and quantum anomalies
Physics of Atomic Nuclei 75, 1299-1304 (2012)
- M. Visinescu
Hamiltonian reduction and unfolding of dynamical systems with
gauge symmetries
Physics of Particles and Nuclei 43, 717-719 (2012)
- M. Visinescu
Killing forms on the five-dimensional Einstein-Sasaki Y(p,q) spaces
Mod. Phys. Lett. A 27, 1250217 (2012)
- A. M. Ionescu, V. Slesar, M. Visinescu, G. E. Vilcu
Transversal Killing and twistor spinors associated to the basic Dirac
Rev. Math. Phys. 25, 133011 (2013)
- V. Rikhvitsky, B. Saha, M. Visinescu
Magnetic Bianchi type II string cosmological model in loop quantum
Astrophys. Space Sci. 352, 255-261 (2014)
- V. Slesar, M. Visinescu, G. E. Vilcu
Special Killing forms on toric Sasaki-Einstein manifolds
Phys. Scripta 89, 125205 (2014)
- V. Slesar, M. Visinescu, G. E. Vilcu
Hidden symmetries on toric Sasaki-Einstein spaces
EPL 110, 31001 (2015)
- V. Slesar, M. Visinescu, G. E. Vilcu
Toric data, Killing forms and complete integrability of geodesics
in Sasaki-Einstein spaces Y(p,q)
Ann. Phys. (N.Y.) 361, 548-562 (2015)
- E. M. Babalic, M. Visinescu
Complete integrability of geodesic motion in Sasaki-Einstein toric
Y(p,q) spaces
Mod. Phys. Lett. A 30, 1550180 (2015)
- M. Visinescu
Integrability of geodesics and action-angle variables in
Sasaki-Einstein space T(1,1)
Eur. Phys. J. C 76, 498 (2016)
- M. Visinescu
Action-angle variables for geodesic motions in
Sasaki-Einstein spaces Y(p,q)
Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys. 2017, 013A01 (2017)
- V. Slesar, M. Visinescu, G. E. Vilcu
Hidden symmetries in Sasaki-Einstein geometries
Phys. Atomic Nuclei 80, 801-807 (2017)
- M. Visinescu
Integrability of the geodesic flow on the resolved conifolds over
Sasaki-Einstein space T(1,1)
Mod. Phys. Lett. A 33, 1850107 (2018)
- M. Visinescu
Complete integrability of geodesics in Sasaki-Einstein space T(1,1)
and its resolved conifold
Phys. Atomic Nuclei 81, 971-975 (2018)
- M. Visinescu
Sasaki-Ricci flow on Sasaki-Einstein space T(1,1) and deformations
Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 33, 1845014 (2018)
- M. Visinescu
Sasaki-Ricci flow equation on five-dimensional Sasaki-Einstein space Y(p,q)
Mod. Phys. Lett. A 35, 2050114 (2020)
- M. Visinescu
Transverse Kahler-Ricci solitons of five-dimensional Sasaki-Einstein spaces Y(p,q) and T(1,1)
Symmetry - Basel 12, 330 (2020)
- M. Visinescu
Sasaki-Ricci flow and deformations of contact action-angle coordinates on spaces T(1,1) and Y(p,q)
Symmetry - Basel 13, 591 (2021)
Goto Top
Papers published in journals of the Romanian Academy
- E. Radescu, M. Visinescu
On the sign of the effective range potential
Rev. Roum. Phys., 10, 573-579 (1965)
- E. Radescu, M.Visinescu
Note on the S-matrix singularities in the effective range
Rev. Roum. Phys., 11, 31-37 (1966)
- M. Stihi, M. Visinescu
Integral equations in the one channel relativistic case, including CDD poles
Rev. Roum. Phys., 11, 17-29 (1966)
- M. Stihi, M. Visinescu
Functii Jost, teorema Levinson si probleme multicanal in teoria relativista a matricii S
St. Cerc. Fiz., 18, 751-771 (1966)
- M. Stihi, M. Visinescu
Functii de propagare si caracterul elementar sau compus al particulelor, Partea a I-a
St. Cerc. Fiz., 19, 1019-1045 (1967)
- S. Ciulli, Gr. Ghika, M. Stihi, M. Visinescu
Integral equations for the generalized Jost function
Rev. Roum. Phys., 12, 195-222 (1967)
- M. Stihi, M. Visinescu
Threshold behaviour of the partial waves and the CDD ambiguity
Rev. Roum. Phys., 12, 515-523 (1967)
- M. Stihi, M. Visinescu
Functii de propagare si caracterul elementar sau compus al particulelor, Partea a II-a
St. Cerc. Fiz., 20, 145-175 (1968)
- M. Visinescu
Vertex function, coincident zeros and Levinson's theorem
Rev. Roum. Phys., 13, 723-726 (1968)
- Gr. Ghika, M. Visinescu
A simple condition for the
scattering lengths using current algebra
Rev. Roum. Phys., 13 451-460 (1968)
- Gr. Ghika, E. Radescu, M. Visinescu
Note on the current algebra calculation of the
scattering lengths
Rev. Roum. Phys., 14, 215-218 (1969)
- L. Micu, M. Visinescu
Hard pion approach to
Rev. Roum. Phys., 14, 651-658 (1969)
- Gr. Ghika, M. Visinescu, M. Cristu
Evaluation of the pion electromagnetic formfactor
Rev. Roum. Phys., 15, 413-418 (1970)
- Gr. Ghika, M. Visinescu
Effective range formula for Veneziano-like pion formfactor
Rev. Roum. Phys., 15, 1079-1084 (1970)
- A. Corciovei, Gr. Ghika, M. Visinescu
low-energy corrections due to the Pomeron
Rev. Roum. Phys., 16, 11-17 (1971)
- M. I. Shirokov, M. Visinescu
Perturbation approach to the field theory, dressing and divergences
Rev. Roum. Phys., 19, 461-472 (1974)
- N. Ionescu-Palas, M. Visinescu, A. Dorobantu
Energy balance in a two temperatures deuterium plasma
Rev. Roum. Phys., 20, 43-49 (1975)
- A. Corciovei, A. Visinescu, M. Visinescu
Difference equations and transfer matrix theory in planar hyperchanneling
Rev. Roum. Phys., 20, 1057-1065 (1975)
- A. Corciovei, A. Visinescu, M. Visinescu
Planar channeling and blocking by transfer matrix method
Rev. Roum. Phys., 22, 591-600 (1977)
- V. M. Dubovik, J. Vaklev, M. Visinescu
The rare decay
in the vector dominance model
Rev. Roum. Phys., 27, 3-13 (1982)
- I. A. Dorobantu, M. Visinescu
Morphogenetic fields and interactions
Rev. Roum. Phys., 32, 1027-1037 (1987)
- S. Ianus, M. Visinescu
Space-time compactification induced by scalar fields and cosymplectic structures
Rev. Roum. Phys., 35, 317-324 (1990)
- M. Visinescu
Monopoles in Kaluza-Klein model with scalar fields
Rev. Roum. Phys., 36, 633-638 (1991)
- S. Ianus, M. Visinescu
Space-time compactification in Kaluza-Klein theories and Riemannian submersions
Rev. Roum. de Math. Pure et Appl., 42, 775-786 (1997)
- M. Visinescu
Spinning particles and Dirac operators in Taub-NUT background
Rev. Roum. Phys., 47, 519-530 (2002)
- M. Visinescu
Geometry and gravitation
Academica (in Romanian), 11 64-66 (2003)
- M. Falcitelli, S. Ianus, A. M. Pastore and M. Visinescu
Some applications of Riemannian submersions in physics
Rev. Roum. Phys., 48, 627-639 (2003)
- B. Saha, V. Rikhvitsky, M. Visinescu
Bel-Robinson tensor for the Bianchi type I Universe
Rom. Rep. Phys., 57, 518-530 (2005)
- I. I. Cotaescu, M. Visinescu
Infinite-dimensional operator superalgebras of the Dirac
theory on the background of the Gross-Perry-Sorkin monopole
Rom. J. Phys., 51, 685-697 (2006)
- S. I. Vacaru, M. Visinescu
Nonholonomic Ricci flows and running cosmological constant: 3D
Taub-NUT metrics
Rom. Rep. Phys. 60, 251-270 (2008)
- M. Visinescu
Hidden symmetries and Dirac-type operators
Rom. J. Phys. 53, 1213-1218 (2008)
- M. Visinescu
Bianchi type-I string cosmological model in the presence of a
magnetic field: classical and quantum loop approach
Rom. Rep. Phys. 61, 427-435 (2009)
- M. Visinescu, B. Saha
Cosmological string model in the presence of a
magnetic field: spinor approach and quantum loop effects
Rom. J. Phys. 55, 645-655 (2010)
- B. Saha, M. Visinescu
Bianchi type-VI model with cosmic strings in the presence of a
magnetic field
Rom. J. Phys. 55, 1064-1074 (2010)
- A. Visinescu, M. Visinescu
Killing-Yano tensors of rank three and Lax pair tensors
Rom. J. Phys. 57, 1002-1010 (2012)
- M. Visinescu
Killing forms on 5D Sasaki-Einstein spaces
Rom. J. Phys. 58, 675-682 (2013)
- V. Slesar, M. Visinescu, G. E. Vilcu
Symplectic potential, complex coordinates and hidden symmetries
on toric Sasaki-Einstein spaces
Proc. Romanian Acad. A 16, 505-512 (2015)
V. Slesar, M. Visinescu, G. E. Vilcu
Toric data and Killing forms on homogeneous Sasaki-Einstein
manifold T(1,1)
Rom. J. Phys. 61, 260-275 (2016)
V. Slesar, M. Visinescu, G. E. Vilcu
Transverse Kahler-Ricci flow and deformations of the metric on the Sasaki space T(1,1)
Rom. Rep. Phys. 72, 108 (2020)
Goto Top
Papers published in journals of Romanian Universities
S.Ianus, A.M.Pastore, M. Visinescu
Riemannian submersions: Recent results relevant to mathematical
Theoretical, Mathematical and Computational Physics (Analele Univ.
Timisoara), 1,1-14 (1998)
M. Visinescu
Supersymmetries and constants of motion in spinning spaces
Annals of the University of Craiova-Physics, 8, 94-108 (1999)
M. Visinescu
Hidden symmetries and Killing-Yano tensors
Annals of the Univ. Craiova-Physics, 10, 126-143 (2000)
I. Cotaescu, M. Visinescu
Remarks on the radial Klein-Gordon equation in Taub-NUT-like
Theoretical, Mathematical and Computational Physics (Analele Univ.
Timisoara), 3, 49-54 (2000)
M. Visinescu
Supersymmetries and geodesic motions in spinning spaces
Ovidius University Annals of Physics, 1, 1-6 (2000)
M. Visinescu
Dirac-type operators on curved spaces
Ovidius University Annals of Physics, 3, 23-26 (2002)
M. Visinescu
Dirac particles on curved spaces and quantum anomalies for
generalized Taub-NUT metrics
Annals of the Univ. Craiova-Physics 15, 45-49 (2005)
M. Visinescu
Ricci flo equation in two dimensions and the linearization
Analele Univ. Vest Timisoara, Seria Fizica, XLVI, 45-55 (2005)
V. Rikhvitsky, B. Saha, M. Visinescu
Bel-Robinson energy tensors in Bianchi type I spacetime
Analele Univ. Vest Timisoara, Seria Fizica, XLVIII, 87-94 (2006)
V. Rikhvitsky, B. Saha, M. Visinescu
Bianchi type-I cosmological model and Bel-Robinson energy tensors
Annals of the Univ. Craiova-Physics 16, 109-116 (2006)
I. I. Cotaescu, M. Visinescu
Fermions and quantu anomalies on generalized Taub-NUT spaces
Analele Univ. Iasi, Seria Fizica
LI-LII, 128-138 (2006)
B. Saha, M. Visinescu
Bianchi type I magnetic string cosmological model
Annals of the Univ. Craiova-Physics 18, 46-52 (2008)
I. I. Cotaescu, M. Visinescu
Superalgebras of the Dirac operators on manifolds admitting
Killing-Yano tensors
Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iasi, Seria Matematica,
Mecanica Teoretica, Fizica
LIV, 75-86 (2008)
M. Visinescu
Hidden symmetries in a gauge covariant approach
Annals of the Univ. Craiova-Physics 21 (Special issue),
131-138 (2011)
M. Visinescu
Transverse Kahler structures, Sasaki-Ricci flow, and holomorphic Hamiltonian vector fields on Sasaki-Einstein spaces T(1,1) and Y(p,q)
Annals of the Univ. Craiova-Physics 30 (part II),
17-26 (2020)
Goto Top
Invited lectures and communications in international conferences
M. Visinescu
Spontaneous compactification induced by a general nonlinear
sigma model
Proceedings of the XXII International Symposium on the Theory
of Elementary Particles, Ahrenshoop 1988, pag.116-133,
Ed. E. Wieczorek, (Berlin-Zeuthen, 1988)
M. Visinescu
Massless gauge fields and monopoles in the space-time compactification
induced by scalars
Proceedings of the International Conference of Mathematical Physics,
Liblice 1989, pag.417-428,
Eds. J. Niederle, J. Fischer, (World Publishing Company, Singapore, 1990)
M. Visinescu
Monopoles in Kaluza-Klein model with scalar fields
Proceedings of the XXIV International Symposiumon the Theory
of Elementary Particles, Gosen 1990, pag.119-125,
Ed. G. Weigt, (Berlin-Zeuthen, 1991)
M. Visinescu
Classical dynamics on generalized Taub-NUT gravitational
Proceedings of the XXVII International Symposium the Theory of
Elementary Particles, Wendisch-Rietz 1993, pag.285-290,
Eds. D. Lüst, G. Weigt, (DESY 94-053, 1994)
D. Vaman, M. Visinescu
Symmetries and motions in spinning Taub-NUT space
in Quanta, Relativity, Gravitation,
Proceedings of the XVIII Workshop on High Energy Physics and
Field Theory, Protvino, 1995, pag.110-117,
Eds.V. A. Petrov, A. P. Samokhin, R. N. Rogalyov, (IHEP, Protvino, 1996)
M. Visinescu
Spinning particles in Taub-NUT background
in Quantum Field Theory under the Influence of External
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Quantum Field Theory under the
Influence of External Conditions, Univ.Leipzig, 1995, pag.258-261
Ed. M. Bordag, Teubner-Texte zur Physik, Band 30,
(B. G. Teubner-Verlagsgesellschaft, Stuttgart, Leipzig, 1996)
D. Vaman, M. Visinescu
Supersymmetries and motions in Taub-NUT spinning space
in Symmetry Methods in Physics,
Proceedings of the VII International Conference on Symmetry
Methods in Physics, JINR, Dubna , July 10-16, 1995, pag. 588-594,
Eds. A. N. Sissakian, G. S. Pogosyan, (Dubna, 1996)
I. Ianus, A. M. Pastore, M. Visinescu
Riemannian submersions: Recent results relevant to mathematical
in New theoretical results in gravity and general relativity,
Proceedings of the VII-th International Conference on Theoretical Physics -
General Relativity and Gravitation,
Bistrita, Romania 1997, pag.34-48,
(Mirton Publishing House, Timisoara, 1998)
M. Visinescu
Spinning particles in curved space-time
in New theoretical results in gravity and general relativity,
Proceedings of the VII-th International Conference on Theoretical Physics -
General Relativity and Gravitation,
Bistrita, Romania 1997, pag.24-33,
(Mirton Publishing House, Timisoara, 1998)
M. Visinescu
Taub-NUT spinning space
in The Casimir Effect - 50 Years Later,
Proceedings of the Fourt Workshop on Quantum Field Theory under the
Influence of External Conditions, pag.374-383,
Ed. M. Bordag, (World Scientific, Singapore, 1999)
M. Visinescu
Spinning particles in Taub-NUT space
Proceedings of the XIth Internatinal Conference
Problems of Quantum Field Theory, pag. 61-65
Eds. B. M. Barbashov, G. V. Efimov, A. V. Efremov, (JINR, Dubna, July 13-17,
M. Visinescu
Spinning particles on curved spaces and constants of motion
Proceedings of the Eight Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity,
Jerusalem, June 22-27, 1997, pag.839-841
Ed. Tsvi Piran, (World Scientific, Singapore, 1999)
M. Visinescu
Supersymmetries and constants of motion in spinning spaces
Proceedings of the Spring School and Workshop on ``QFT,
Supersymmetries and Superstrings", Calimanesti, 24-30 April 1998
Annals of the Univ.Craiova, 9, 114-128 (1999)
M. Visinescu
Hidden symmetries and Killing-Yano tensors
Proceedings of the Spring School and Workshop on ``QFT and
Hamiltonian Systems, Calimanesti, 2-7 May 2000
Annals of the Univ.Craiova, 10, 126-143 (2000)
M. Visinescu
Killing-Tensors on manifolds admitting "hidden" symmetries
Proceedings of the International Symposium Advances in Nuclear
Physics, pag. 196-203. Bucharest, December 9-10,1999
Ed. D. Poenaru, (World Scientific, Singapore, 2000)
M. Visinescu
Generalized Taub-NUT metrics and Killing-Yano tensors
Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop Noncommutative Structures in Mathematics and Physics, pag. 441-452,
Kiev, Ukraine, September 24-28, 2000
Eds. S. Duij and J. Wess, (Kluwer Academic Publisher, Dordrecht, 2001)
M. Falcitelli, S. Ianus, A. M. Pastore, M. Visinescu
Some applications of Riemannian submersions in physics
Proceedings of the First National Romanian Conference on Theoretical
Physics, 13-16 September 2002, Bucharest
Eds. D. Grecu, A. Visinescu, (Bucharest-Magurele, 2002)
M. Visinescu
Spinning particles, Dirac-type operators on curved spaces and the
role of Killing-Yano tensors
Proceedings of the Spring School and Workshop on QFT and
Hamiltonian Systems, Calimanesti, 6-12 May 2002
Annals of the Univ.Craiova, 12, 40-54 (2002)
M. Visinescu
Research in quantum field theories and gravitation
Proceedings of the round-table meeting Romania at JINR,
Dubna, 6 June 2003
Eds, V. Kadyshevski, A. Sissakian, D. Popescu and Gh. Stratan, 28-32 (2003)
M. Visinescu
Dirac-type operators on curved spaces
Proceedings of the XII International Conference Selected Problems
of Modern Physics, JINR, Dubna, 8-11 June 2003
Eds. B. M. Barbashov, G. V. Efimov, A.V.Efremov, S. M. Eliseev, V. V.
Nesterenko and M. K. Volkov,, 350-354 (2003)
M. Visinescu
Symmetries of the Dirac-type operators in curved spaces
Proceedings of the Fifth General Conference of the Balkan Physical
Union BPU-5, Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia and Muntenegru, 25-29 August 2003
Eds. S. Jokic, I. Milosevic, A. Balaz, Z. Nicolic, 47 (2003)
M. Visinescu
Fermions on curved spaces
Proceedings of the Meeting Education and Research, Bucharest,
26-28 September 2003
Ed. M. Logofatu, 324-327 (2003)
M. Visinescu
Symmetries and supersymmetries of the Dirac-type operators on
curved spaces
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference Symmetry in
Nonlinear Mathematical Physics, Kiev, 20-26 June 2003
Ed. A, Nikitin, 50, 601-608 (2004)
M. Visinescu
Symmetries and supersymmetries of the Dirac-type operators on
curved spaces
Proceedings of the 27th Spanish Relativity Meeting Gravitational
Radiation - ERE 2003, Alicante, Spain, 11-13 September 2003,
Eds. J. A. Miralles, J. A. Font, J. A. Pons; Univ. of Alicante
- (2004)
I. I. Cotaescu, M. Visinescu
Symmetries and supersymmetries of the Dirac-type operators on
Euclidean Taub-NUT space
Proceedings of the BW2003 Workshop Mathematical, Theoretical and
Phenomenological Challenges beyond the ,
Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia and Muntenegru, 29 August - 03 September 2003
Ed. G. Djordjevic ; World Scientific (Singapore)
- (2004)
- I. I. Cotaescu, M. Visinescu
Symmetries and supersymmetries of the Dirac-type operators on Euclidean Taub-NUT space
Proceedings of the BW2003 Workshop Mathematical, Theoretical and Phenomenological Challenges beyond the standard model,
Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia and Muntenegru, 29 August - 03 September 2003
Ed. G. Djordjevic ; World Scientific (Singapore) 186-196 (2005)
- I. I. Cotaescu, M. Visinescu
Symmetries and supersymmetries of the Dirac-type operators on Euclidean Taub-NUT space
Proceedings of tthe International Workshop on Global Analysis and Applied Mathematics, Ankara, Turkey, 15 - 17 April 2004
Eds. K. Tas, D. Krupka, O. Krupkova, D. Baleanu ; AIP Conference Proceedings, New York, 729 124-130 (2004)
- I. I. Cotaescu, M. Visinescu
Dirac operators on Kahlerian manifolds
Proceedings of the BW2005 Workshop Mathematical, Theoretical and Phenomenological Challenges beyond the standard model,
Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia and Muntenegru, 19-23 May 2005
Facta Univesitatis, Nis, Serbia 4, 247-259 (2006)
- M. Visinescu
Gravitational and axial anomalies for generalized Euclidean Taub-NUT metrics
Proceedings of the SQS'05 Workshop Supersymmetries and quantum symmetries,
JINR, Dubna (2005);Eds. E. A. Ivanov and B. M. Zupnik, JINR, Dubna, 440-447 (2006)
- I. I. Cotaescu, M. Visinescu
Fermions and quantum anomalies on generalized Taub-NUT spaces
Simpozionul Einstein 100, Iasi (2005)
Analele Univ. Iasi LI-LII 128-138 (2005-2006)
- M. Visinescu
Dirac particles on curved spaces and quantum anomalies for generalized Taub-NUT metrics
Proceedings of the 4-th School and Workshop on QFT and Hamiltonian Systems, Calimanesti, 16-21 October 2004
Annals of the Univ.Craiova, 15, 45-49 (2005)
- M. Visinescu
Ricci flow equations in two dimensions and the linearization approach
Proceedings of the TIM'05 Workshop (2005)
Univ. de Vest, Timisoara 46, 45-55 (2005)
- V. Rikhvitsky, B. Saha, M. Visinescu
Bianchi type-I cosmological model and Bel-Robinson energy tensorss
Proceedings of the 5-th School and Workshop on QFT and
Hamiltonian Systems, Calimanesti, May 2006
Annals of the Univ.Craiova 16, 109-116 (2006)
- V. Rikhvitsky, B. Saha, M. Visinescu
Bel-Robinson energy tensors in Bianchi type I spacetime
Proceedings of the TIM'06, Univ. de Vest, Timisoara (2006)
Analele Univ. de Vest Timisoara, Seria Fizica, XLVIII,
87-94 (2006)
- M. Visinescu
Fermions on curved spaces, symmetries, and quantum anomaliess
Proceedings of the O'Raifeartaigh Symposium on Non-Perturbative
and Symmetry Methods in Field Theory,
Budapest, Hungary, 22-24 June 2006
SIGMA 2, 083 (2006)
- M. Visinescu
Killing-Yano tensors, Dirac-type operators and quantum anomaliess
Proceedings of the 4-th Summer School and Conference on
Modern Mathematical Physics,
Belgrade, Serbia, 3-14 September 2006
Eds. B. Dragovich, Z. Rakic,
Institute of Physics, Belgrade, p. 411-422 (2007)
- M. Visinescu
Fermions on curved spaces, symmetries, and quantum anomaliess
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of the Balkan
Physical Union,
Istanbul, Turkey, August 2006
Eds. S. A. Cetin, I. Hikmet,
AIP Conference Proceedings 899, 371-372 (2007),
- M. Visinescu
Dirac-type operators on curved spaces admitting Killing-Yano
Proceedings of the Spanish Relativity Meeting - ERE2007,
Tenerife, Spain, September 2007,
Eds. A. Oscoz, E. Mediavilla, M. Serra-Ricart,
EAS Publications Series, EDS Sciences Les Ulis, France 30, (2008),
p. 253-256
- M. Visinescu, A. Visinescu
Quantum anomalies for generalized Euclidean
Taub-Newman-Unti-Tamburino metrics
Proceedings of the Eleventh Marcel Grossmann Meeting,
Berlin, Germany, July 2006
Eds. H. Kleinert, R. T. Jantzen, R. Ruffini,
World Scientific,Singapore (2008),
p. 2556-2558
- A. Visinescu, M. Visinescu
New special solutions of the Ricci flow equation in 2 dimensions
using a linearization approach
Proceedings of the Eleventh Marcel Grossmann Meeting,
Berlin, Germany, July 2006
Eds. H. Kleinert, R. T. Jantzen, R. Ruffini,
World Scientific,Singapore (2008),
p. 1335-1337
- A. Visinescu, M. Visinescu
Non-standard symmetries and quantum anomalies
Proceedings of the Workshop on Scalar Mesons and Related Topics -
Lisbon, Portugal, February 2008
Eds. G. Rupp, E. van Beveren, P. Bicudo, B. Hiller, F. Kleefeld,
AIP Conference Proceedings 1030, 232-237 (2008)
- S. Ianus, M. Visinescu, G.-E. Vilcu
Hidden symmetries and Killing tensors on curved spaces
Proceedings of the XXVII International Colloquium Group
Theoretical Methods in Physics,
Yerevan, Armenia, August 2008
Physics Atomic Nuclei 73 1925-1930 (2010)
- S. Ianus, M. Visinescu, G.-E. Vilcu
Conformal Killing-Yano tensors on manifolds with mixed 3-structures
Proceedings of the XVIIth International Colloquium on Integrable
Systems and Quantum Symmetries,
Prague, Czech Republic, June 2008
SIGMA 5, 022, 12pp (2009)
- M. Visinescu
Non-standard symmetries on spaces admitting Killing tensors
Proceedings of the International Workshop on New Trends in Science
and Technology,
Ankara, Turkey, November 2008
Eds. Z. B. G\" uvenc, C. \" Ozdogan, D. Baleanu
Cankaya University, Ankara, ISBN: 978-975-6734-02-5 (2009)
- M. Visinescu, B. Saha, V. Rikhvitsky
A string cosmological model of Bianchi type-I in the presence of a
magnetic flux
Proceedings of the Physics Conference TIM-08,
Timisoara, Romania, November 2008
Eds. M. Bunoiu, I. Malaescu
AIP Conference Proceedings 1131, 11-16 (2009)
- M. Visinescu
Dirac type operators on curved spaces
Proceedings of the XIII International Conference on Selected Problems
of Modern Physics, Dubna June 23-27, 2008; Eds. B. M. Barbashov
and S. M. Eliseev,
JINR, Dubna, 259-261 (2009)
- B. Saha, V. Rikhvitsky, M. Visinescu
Bianchi type-I string cosmological model with viscous fluid
Proceedings of the Second Summer School Modern Theoretical Problems
of Gravitation and Cosmology, Zazan-Yalchik June 24-29, 2009;
Ed. Yu. G. Ignatiev,
Kazan University, Russia, 114-117 (2009).
- M. Visinescu
Non-standard symmetries and Killing tensors
Proceedings of the International Conference Recent Developments in
Gravity (NEB XIII), Thessaloniki, Greece, 4-6 June, 2008;
Eds. N. Stergioulas and C. Tsagas,
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 189, 012044 (2009)
- M. Visinescu
A string cosmological model of Bianchi type-I in the presence of
a magnetic field
International Conference on Cosmological magnetic fields , Monte
Verita, Ascona, Switzerland, May 31- June 5, 2009;
- M. Visinescu
Higher order symmetries in a gauge covariant approach and
quantum anomalies
Proceedings of the 6-th Summer School and Conference on
Modern Mathematical Physics,
Belgrade, Serbia, 14-23 September 2010
Eds. B. Dragovich, Z. Rakic,
Institute of Physics, Belgrade, p. 321-332 (2011)
- M. Visinescu, S. Ianus, A. Visinescu, G.-E. Vilcu
Conformal Killing-Yano tensors on higher dimensional spacetimes
endowed with special structures
Proceedings of the Twelfth Marcel Grossmann Meeting,
Paris,France , July 2009;
World Scientific, Singapore (2011) p. 1970-1973
- A. Visinescu, M. Visinescu
Bianchi type-I cosmological string model in the presence of a
magnetic field: classical and quantum loop approaches
Proceedings of the Twelfth Marcel Grossmann Meeting,
Paris,France , July 2009;
World Scientific, Singapore (2011) p. 1465-1467
- M. Visinescu, B. Saha
Bianchi type-I model with cosmic strings in the presence of a
magnetic field: spinor description
Physics Conference TIM-09,
Timisoara, Romania, November 2009
- M. Visinescu
Higher order first integrals of motion in a gauge covariant
Proceedings of the Physics Conference TIM-10,
Timisoara, Romania, November 2010
Eds. M. Bunoiu, I. Malaescu
AIP Conference Proceedings 1387, 45-50 (2011)
- A. Visinescu, M. Visinescu
Higher order first integrals and quantum gravitational
Proceedings of the Spanish Relativity Meeting Gravity as a
Crossroad in Physics (ERE 2010), Granada, Spain, 6-10 September,
Eds. Victor Aldaya, Carlos Barcel and Jos Luis Jaramillo,
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 314, 012039 (2011)
- M. Visinescu
Hidden symmetries and in a gauge covariant approach
National Conference on Theoretical Physics - NCTP 2010
Iasi, Romania, 23-25 June 2010
- M. Visinescu
Hidden symmetries and quantum gravitational anomalies
International Conference on Symmetries and Integrability of
Difference Equations - SIDE-9
Varna, Bulgaria, 13-19 June 2010;
- M. Visinescu
Higher order symmetries: gauge covariant approach and
gravitational anomalies
International Conference on
Symmetry Methods in Physics - SYMPHYS-XIV
Tsakhkadzor, Armenia, 16-22 August 2010
- M. Visinescu
Higher order first integrals, Killing tensors and Killing-Maxwell
International Conference Quantum Theory and Symmetries - QTS-7 ;
Prague, 7-13 August 2011;
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 343, 012126 (2012).
- M. Visinescu
Hamiltonian reduction and unfolding of dynamical systems with
gauge symmetries
International Conference Supersymmetries and Quantum Symmetries
JINR, Dubna, 18-23 July 2011
- M. Visinescu
Higher Order First Integrals, Killing Tensors, Killing-Maxwell System
and Quantum Gravitational Anomalies
The SEENET-MTP Workshop - BW2011 -
Particle Physics from TeV to Plank Scale
Donji Milanovac, Serbia, 28 August 1 September 2011;
- M. Visinescu
Hidden symmetries in a gauge covariant approach, hamiltonian reduction
and oxidation
International Physics Conference - TIM - 11
West University of Timisoara, Romania, 24 - 27 November 2011;
- M. Visinescu
Killing forms of higher dimensional Kerr-NUT-(A)dS
The 8-th Workshop "Quantum Field Theory and Hamiltonian Systems"
Univ. Craiova, Romania, 19-22 September 2012;
- M. Visinescu
Killing forms on Einstein-Sasaki and Calabi-Yau spaces
TIM 2012 International Physics Conference - TIM-12
West University of Timisoara, Romania, 27-30 November 2012;
AIP Conference Proceedings 1564, 10-15 (2013)
- M. Visinescu
Hidden symmetries on Kerr-NUT-(A)dS metrics of Einstein-Sasaki
XX-th International Conference on Integrable Systems and Quantum
Symmetries - ISQS-20
Prague, 17-24 June 2012;
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 411, 012030 (2013)
- M. Visinescu
Hidden symmetries of higher dimensional Kerr-NUT-(A)dS
International Conference "Integrability, Recursion Operators and
Soliton Interactions" VSG-60
Sofia, 29-31 August 2012;
J. Geom. Symm. Phys. 30, 93-104 (2013)
- M. Visinescu
Hidden symmetries of the five-dimensional Sasaki-Einstein metrics
Balkan Workshop BW2013 "Beyond Standard Models"
Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia, 25-29 April 2013
Facta Universitatis (Nis, Serbia) 12, 189-200 (2014)
- A. Visinescu, M. Visinescu
Hidden symmetries of higher-dimensional black holes with
Sasaki-Einstein metrics
XIII ECSAC International Conference on Science, Arts and Culture:
2-nd Mediterranean Conference on Classical and Quantum Gravity
Veli Losinj, Croatia, 9-15 June 2013
- M. Visinescu
Special Killing forms on toric Sasaki-Einstein spaces
TIM 2013 International Physics Conference - TIM-13
West University of Timisoara, Romania, 21-24 November 2013;
AIP Conference Proceedings 1634, 24-29 (2014)
- V. Slesar, M. Visinescu, G.-E. Vilcu
Killing forms on toric Sasaki-Einstein spaces
XXII-th International Conference on Integrable Systems and Quantum
Symmetries ISQS-22
Prague, 23-29 June 2014
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 563, 012033 (2014)
- M. Visinescu
Killing-Yano tensors on toric Sasaki-Einstein spaces
International Conference "8th MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS MEETING"
Belgrade, Serbia, 24-31 September 2014
Eds. B. Dragovich, I. Salom,
Institute of Physics, Belgrade, Serbia ,
p. 191--198 (2015)
- M. Visinescu
Superintegrability in toric Sasaki-Einstein spaces
The 9-th Workshop "Quantum Field Theory and Hamiltonian Systems"
Sinaia, 24-28 September 2014
- M. Visinescu
Killing-Yano tensors and superintegrability on Sasaki-Einstein
TIM 2014 International Physics Conference
West University of Timisoara, Romania, 20-22 November 2014
- M. Visinescu
Complete integrability of geodesics in toric Sasaki-Einstein spaces
XXIII-th International Conference on Integrable Systems and Quantum
Symmetries, ISQS-23
Prague, 22-28 June 2015
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 670, 012051 (2016)
- M. Visinescu
Killing tensors on toric Sasaki-Einstein spaces
International Symposium on Quantum Theory and Symmetries, QTS-9
Yerevan, 13-18 July 2015
- M. Visinescu
Complete integrability of geodesic motion in Sasaki-Einstein toric spaces
International Conference
p-ADIC Mathematical Physics and its Applications, p-ADICS.2015
Belgrade, 7-12 September 2015
- M. Visinescu
Complete integrability of geodesics and action-angle variables
in toric Sasaki-Einstein spaces
The 10-th Workshop
Quantum Field Theory and Hamiltonian Systems
Sinaia, 9-13 March 2016
- M. Visinescu
Action-angle variables in toric Sasaki-Einstein spaces
TIM 15-16 International Physics Conference
Timisoara, 26-28 May 2016
AIP Conference Proceedings 1796, 020001-8 (2017)
- M. Visinescu
Complete integrability of geodesics in toric Sasaki-Einstein spaces
The 10-th Biennial Conference on
Classical and Quantum Relativistic Dynamics of Particles and Fields
(IARD 2016)
Ljubljana, Slovenia, 6-9 June 2016
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 845, 012021 (2017)
- M. Visinescu
Action-angle variables for geodesic motions in toric
Sasaki-Einstein spaces
The XXIV-th International Conference on
Integrable Systems and Quantum Symmetries (ISQS-24)
Prague, 13-19 June 2016
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 804, 012042 (2017)
- M. Visinescu
Complete integrability of geodesics in toric Sasaki-Einstein space
T(1,1) and action-angle variables
The X-th International Conference of
Differential Geometry and Dynamical Systems (DGDS-2016)
Mangalia, 29 August-1 September 2016
- M. Visinescu
Generalized action-angle variables in toric contact spaces
TIM 17 International Physics Conference
Timisoara, 25-27 May 2017
AIP Conference Proceedings 1916, 020002 (2017)
- M. Visinescu
Complete integrability and action-angle variables in toric contact spaces
XVII International Conference on Symmetry Methods in Physics (SYMPHYS-XVII)
Yerevan, 10-15 July 2017
- M. Visinescu
Complete integrability in toric contact geometry
9th Mathematical Physics Meeting
Belgrade, 18-23 September 2017
Eds. B. Dragovich, I. Salom and V. Vojinovic
Institute of Physics, Belgrade, Serbia,
p. 309--318 (2018)
- M. Visinescu
Integrability of the geodesic flow on the resolved cones over
five-dimensional Sasaki-einstein space T(1,1)
The 11-th Workshop Quantum Field Theory and Hamiltonian Systems
Sinaia, 18-22 April 2018
- M. Visinescu
Integrability of the hamiltonian flow on the resolved cones over
Sasaki-Einstein space T(1,1)
TIM 18 International Physics Conference
Timisoara, 24-26 May 2018
- M. Visinescu
Action-angle variables for geodesic motion on resolved metric cones over
5-dimensional space T(1,1)
SEENET-MTP Balkan Workshop BW2018
Nis,Serbia, 10-14 June 2018
- M. Visinescu
Integrability of the geodesic flow on the resolved cones over
Sasaki-Einstein space T(1,1)
The 32-nd Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics
Prague, 9-13 July 2018
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1194, 012110 (2019)
- M. Visinescu
Integrability of the geodesic flow on the resolved conifolds over
Sasaki-Einstein space T(1,1)
The XII-th International Conference of
Differential Geometry and Dynamical Systems (DGDS-2018)
Mangalia, 30 August-2 September 2018
- M. Visinescu
Sasaki-Ricci flow on five-dimensional Sasaki-Einstein
space T(1,1)
TIM 19 International Physics Conference
Timisoara, 29-31 May 2019
- M. Visinescu
Transverse Kahler-Ricci flow on the Sasaki space T(1,1)
The XXVI International Conference on
Integrable Systems and Quantum Symmetries (ISQS-26)
Prague, 8-12 July 2019
- M. Visinescu
Transverse Kahler structures and holomorphic Hamiltonian vector fields on Sasaki-Einstein spaces T(1,1) and Y(p,q)
Workshop Quantum Fields and Nonlinear Phenomena
Craiova, 27-29 September 2020
Goto Top
Chapters in books published abroad
S. Ianus, M. Visinescu
Space-time compactification and Riemannian submersions
in The Mathematical Heritage of Gauss , pag. 358-371
Ed. G. Rassias, (World Publishing Company, Singapore, 1991)
I. I. Cotaescu, M. Visinescu
Symmetries and supersymmetries of the Dirac operators in curved
in Frontiers in General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology Research,
Ed. V. H. Marselle, (Nova Science, 2007) p. 109-166
Goto Top
University courses
M. Visinescu
Teoria cuantica a cimpurilor, Partea a III-a: Interactii fundamentale si particule elementare. Ecuatiile cimpurilor libere bosonice.
Versiune extinsa a notelor de curs prezentate la anul IV al Facultatii de Fizica, Universitatea Bucuresti (ICEFIZ 1988) pag. 178-230.
M. Visinescu
Teoria cuantica a cimpurilor.Partea a VIII-a: Teorii de cimp cu structura de etalonare neabeliana.
Versiune extinsa a notelor de curs prezentate la anul IV al Facultatii de Fizica, Universitatea Bucuresti (ICEFIZ 1988) pag. 621-722.
Goto Top
Chapters in books published in Romania
Gr. Ghika, M. Visinescu
Semiclassical approach to the quantization of the periodic
solutions of the sine-Gordon equation
in Topics in Theoretical Physics, pag. 7-30, ICEFIZ (1978)
S. Ianus, M. Visinescu
Kaluza-Klein theories and Riemannian submersions
in Studies in Gravitational Theory, pag. 23-33, CIP Press (1988)
Goto Top
hep-th/9304022 - (I.28)
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0910.3474 [hep-th] - (I.63)
1005.4990 [gr-qc] - (II.34)
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1109.5449 [hep-th] - (I.68)
1111.3440 [gr-qc] - (I.69)
1205.6036 [hep-th] - (I.70)
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