BOOKS and Chapters in Books
(with more than 29 citations in green)
(from 7 to 29 citations in blue)

              Greiner, W., Ivascu, M., Poenaru, D. N., and Sandulescu, A., Cluster radioactivities, In  Treatise on Heavy Ion Science, Vol. 8, D. A. Bromley, Ed.  (Plenum Press, New York, 1989)  ISBN 0-306-42949-7, pp. 641-722.  Citations 

                                Greiner, W. and Poenaru, D. N., Radioactivity, in the chapter on Quantum Mechanics of the Encyclopedia of      Condensed Matter Physics, Vol. 5 (Elsevier, Oxford, 2005), Eds-in-Chief F. Bassani, G. L. Liedl and P. Wyder, pp.~106-116, 0123694019. ISBN print: 978-0-1222-7610-1; Online 3 Oct 2005: 978-0-1236-9401-0.  doi:10.1016/B0-12-369401-9/00626-4