Table of Contents

Dorin N. Poenaru


Message from the President of Romania
Emil Constantinescu

Address by the President of the European Physical Society
Sir A. Wolfendale

Opening Remarks
S. Lanyi

The 50 Years Jubilee of Romanian Nuclear Physics
Gh. Mateescu


Developments in Fission, Fusion Cluster Radioactivity
and the Extension of the Periodic System of Elements
W. Greiner


Discovering Superheavy Elements
G. Muenzenberg

The Process of the Complete Fusion of Nuclei within the Framework of
the Dinuclear System Concept
V. V. Volkov

Fusion Reactions for Producing Superheavy Nuclei
R. Smolanczuk

Ways for Fussion of Heavy Nuclei
G. G. Adamian,  W. Scheid et al.


New Data on the Fragment Angular Momentum in Spontaneous Fission of  252Cf
G. M. Ter-Akopian et al.

Molecular Fingerprints in the Ternary Cold  Fission
A. Sandulescu, S. Misicu and W. Greiner

The Quasi-Molecular Stage of Ternary Fission
D. N. Poenaru, B. Dobrescu, W. Greiner,
J. H. Hamilton and A. V. Ramayya

 Realistic Fission Saddle-Point Shapes and Heights
P. Moller, D. G. Madland and A. Iwamoto


 The Origin of Cosmic Rays
A. D. Erlykin and  Sir A. Wolfendale

Ten Years of Heidelberg-Moscow Experiment  a Fresh Look
H.V. Klapdor-Kleingrothaus

Cosmic Rays as Interface Between Astrophysics and Particle Physics
H. Rebel for the KASCADE Collaboration

Nucleare Structure Near the Neutron Drip-Line and R-Process Nucleon Synthesis
K.L. Kratz, P. Moller, B. Pfeiffer and W. B. Walters

Nuclear Astrophysics with Radioactive Beams
L. Trache  et al.


The ATLAS Experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider
P. Jenni

The Dear Experiment at DAPhNE
M. Augsburger,  C. Petrascu et al.

Theoretical Constraints of the Semileptonic and Nonleptonic beta Decays
I. Caprini

From Elementary Particles to Stars
C. Besliu, and Al. Jipa

Killing Yano Tensors on Manifolds Admitting Hidden Symmetries
M. Visinescu

1/N - Expansion and Fluctuations in Isotopic Lattice Systems
N. Angelescu


Current Status of Heavy Ion Physics
K. Paech, H. Stoeker et al.

Dynamical Features in Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions Studied with INDRA
M.-F. Rivet et al.

Thermodynamical Features of Nuclear Sources Studied with INDRA
B. Borderie et al.

Special Aspects of Baryonic Flow in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collision
M. Petrovici

Formation and Decay of Hot Nuclei in 40Ca + 40Ca at 35 MeV/nucleon
R. Planeta et al.

Study of Spallation Residues of Gold at 0.8~GeV/n in Reverse Kinematics
L. Tassan-Got et al.


Isospin and F-Spin Changing M1 Transition in Nuclei
P. von Brentano et al.

Octupole Correlations in  143,145Ba and 147Pr
J. H. Hamilton et al.

 Nuclear Structure Calculations for  double beta Decay
 S. Stoica

Quadrupole Deformations of Neutron-Drip-Line Nuclei Studied within
the Skyrme Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov Approach
M. Stoitsov, J. Dobaczewski, P. Ring and S. Pittel

Few Cluster Description of Neutrino-Halo Nuclei
R. G. Lovas, K. Varga, K. Arai and Y. Suzuki

 Evolution of Nuclear Collectivity: Empirical Phenomenology and Model Interpretation
 N. Zamfir

IBM2  Study of Band Crossing
A. Gelberg, N. Yoshida  et al.

Super- and Hyperdeformed States in the Actinide Region
A. Krasznahorkay et al.

Lifetime Measurements in the Picosecond Range: Achievements and Perspectives
R. Kruecken

Gamma-ray Spectroscopy Studies at the NIPNE TANDEM Accelerator
D. Bucurescu, et al.

 Shape Coexistence Phenomena in Medium Mass Nuclei
A. Petrovici

Neutron Pre-Emission at the Fussion of  11Li Halo Nuclei  with Light Targets
M. Petrascu

Correlated Overlap Functions and Nucleon Removal Reactions from 15O
M. K. Gaidarov,  A. N.  Antonov et al.


Collisions of Cold Electrons with Cooled Ions in Cryring
R. Schuch et al.

Electron Transfer Processes in Collisions of Relativistic Ions with Atoms
 Z. Sujkowski

Data Analysis in Positron Spectroscopy
Gh. Adam and S. Adam

DIRAC Experiments and Test of Low-Energy QCD
M. Pentia et al.


RODOS - The Domestic Counterpart
D. Vamanu

Professor Horia Hulubei, the Father Founder of the Institute of Atomic Physics
G. Stratan