Table of Contents

Dorin N. Poenaru and Walter Greiner

Chapter 1
Gas-Filled Detectors
Claude Stephan

Chapter 2
Scintillation Detectors
Klaus D. Hildenbrand

Chapter 3
Semiconductor Detectors
Jean-Pierre Ponpon

Chapter 4
Track Detectors and SOLENO Applied for Cluster Radioactivity
E. Hourani, I. H. Plonski, and D. N. Poenaru

Chapter 5
New Generation of Gamma Detector Arrays
Rainer M. Lieder

Chapter 6
Modern Electron and Positron Spectrometers
H. Bokemeyer, J. van Klinken, and P. Salabura

Chapter 7
Neutron Detectors
Gudmar Grosshog

Chapter 8
Neutrino Detectors
Jean-Luc Vuilleumier and Gabriele Zacek

Chapter 9
Fragment Multi-Detector for the Study of Hot and Dense Nuclear Matter Produced in Relativistic Heavy-Ion Reactions
Jean-Pierre Coffin

Chapter 10
Production and Use of Radioactive Beams
Isao Tanihata

Chapter 11
In-Flight Separation of Heavy Ion Beams
Gottfried Munzenberg

Chapter 12
The Measurement of Nuclear Lifetimes
Klaus Peter Lieb

Chapter 13
Particle Identification using Detector Telescopes
Franceoise Pougheon

Chapter 14
Particle Decay Study of Oriented Nuclei
Jan Wouters

Chapter 15
Fission Fragment Mass, Charge and Energy Distributions
Johannes Otto Denschlag

Chapter 16
Statistical Fluctuations in Nuclear Processes
Mircea Pentia

H. Bokemeyer, Ph. D., Professor, G. S. I. Darmstadt, Darmstadt, F. R. Germany

Jean-Pierre Coffin, Ph.D., Senior Researcher, Department of Nuclear Physics,  Nuclear Research Centre, Strasbourg, France

J. O. Denschlag, Dr. rer. nat.,  Professor,   Department of Chemistry,  University of Mainz,   Mainz, F. R. Germany

Gudmar Grosshog, Ph.D.,  Senior Researcher,   Department of Reactor Physics,   Chalmers University of Technology,   Goteborg, Sweden

Klaus D. Hildenbrand, Dr.rer.nat.,  Senior Researcher, G. S. I. Darmstadt,  Darmstadt, F. R. Germany
E. Hourani, Ph.D.,  Senior Researcher, Department of Experimental Physics,   Institute of Nuclear Physics, Orsay, France
Dr. Johann van Klinken, Ph. D. Senior Researcher, Kernfysisch Versneller Instituut, Rijksuniversiteit, Groningen, The Netherlands
Klaus Peter Lieb, Ph.D.,  Professor, Institute of Physics,  University of Gottingen, Gottingen, F. R. Germany
 Rainer M. Lieder, Ph. D.,  Professor,  Institut fur Kernphysik, Forschungszentrum Julich, F. R. Germany
Gottfried Munzenberg, Ph. D.,  Privatdozent,   G. S. I. Darmstadt,  Darmstadt, F. R. Germany
 Mircea Pentia, Ph.D.,  Senior Researcher, Institute of Atomic Physics,   Bucharest, Romania
 Ileana Hania Plonski, Ph. D., Senior Researcher, Institute of  Atomic Physics, Bucharest, Romania
Dorin N. Poenaru, Ph. D., Professor, Institute of Atomic Physics, Bucharest, Romania, and Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universitat, Frankfurt am Main, F. R. Germany
 Jean-Pierre Ponpon, Ph.D.,  Senior Researcher, Laboratory of Semiconductor Physics and Applications, Nuclear Research Center,   Strasbourg, France
Francoise Pougheon, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Nuclear Physics, Paris XI University,   Paris, France
Piotr Salabura, Ph. D.,  Senior Researcher, Institute of Physics, Krakow, Poland
Claude Stephan, Ph.D., Senior Researcher, Department of Experimental Physics, Institute of Nuclear Physics, Orsay, France
Isao Tanihata, Ph.D., Principal Scientist,  LINAC Laboratory, RIKEN, Institute of Physical and Chemical Research, Wako, Japan
Jan Wouters, Ph.D.,  Professor, Institute of Nuclear and Radiation Physics,  Catholic University,
Lueven, Belgium

Jean-Luc Vuilleumier, Ph.D.,  Professor, Institute of Physics,  Neuchatel, Switzerland

Gabriele Zacek, Ph.D.,  Researcher, European Laboratory for Particle Physics,  CERN, Geneva, Switzerland