Table of Contents:

    Heinigerd Rebel and Dorin N. Poenaru


1. High-Power Accelerators and radioactive Beams of the Future
    Alex C. Mueller

2. Studies of Neutron-Rich Nuclei with Radioactive Beams
    R. F. Casten

3. Nuclear Structure Physics at GSI, Challenges and Perspectives
    Gottfried Muenzenberg

4. Study of Halo Nuclei
    G. Schrieder

5. Molecular Structure in Deformed Neutronrich Light Nuclei
    W. von Oertzen

6.  Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy of Exotic Nuclei: Physics and Tools
     G. de France

7.  Proton Radioactivity
     Cary N. Davids

8.  Present and Future Nuclear Shell Model
     Takaharu Otsuka

9.  Variational Approach to Coexistence Phenomena in N=Z Nuclei
     Alexandra Petrovici

10.  Relativistic Theory of Exotic Nuclei
       P. Ring

11.  Treatment of Pairing Correlations in Nuclei Close to Drip Lines
       Nguyen Van Giai, M. Grasso, R. Liotta  and N. Sandulescu

12.  The two Nuclear Superfluids
       Ramon Wyss

13.  Ternary and Multicluster Fission
       Dorin N. Poenaru

14.  Fusion and Quasifission of Heavy Nuclei
       G. G. Adamian, N. V. Antonenko, A. Diaz Tores, S. P. Ivanova,
       G. Scheid  and V. V. Volkov

15.  Binary and Ternary Fission Yields of 252-Cf
       J. K. Hwang, C. J. Beyer, A. V. Ramayya, J. H. Hamilton et al.

16.  Recent Experiments on Particle-Accompanied Fission
       Manfred  Mutterer

17.  Fusion Valleys for Synthesis of Superheavy Nuclei
      Radu A. Gherghescu and Walter Greiner

18. Theoretical Description of Ternary Cold Fission
      A. Sandulescu, S. Misicu, F. Carstoiu and W. Greiner

19.  New Aspects  of Nuclear Structure and QE Electron Scattering
      E. Moya de Guerra, J. A. Caballero, E. Garrido, P. Sarriguren and
       J. M. Udias

20.  New Results on the 2neutrinoDoubleBeta Decay
      A. A. Raduta


21.  The Past and Future of Coulomb Dissociation
       G. Baur, K. Hencken, D. Trautmann, S. Typel and H. H. Wolter

22.  Coulomb Dissociation as a Tool of Nuclear Astrophysics
       H. Utsunomiya and S. Typel

23.  Applications of Coulomb Breakup to Nuclear Astrophysics
      J. Kiener

24.  Experiments with Radioactive Beams
      Pierre Leleux

25.  Neutron Capture Nucleosynthesis
      F. Kaeppeler

26.  Neutron Induced Reaction of Light Nuclei and its Role in Nuclear
       Yasuki Nagai

27.  Astrophysical S-factors from Asymptotic Normalization Coefficients
       R. E. Tribble et al.


28.  Massive Nuclei in the Cosmic Radiation
       Arnold Wolfendale

29.  Particle Acceleration in Astrophysics
       Luke O'C Drury

30.  Cosmic Rays in the Galaxy
       Luke O'C Drury

31.  Phenomenology of Extensive Air Showers
       Iliana Magdalena Brancus

32.   EAS Signatures of the Mass Composition
        A. Haungs

33.   Cosmic Ray Studies at High Mountain Altitude Laboratories
       Oscar Saavedra

34.   Hadronic Interactions at Very High Energies
        Heinigerd Rebel

35.   Applications of Neural Networks in Astroparticle Physics
       Markus Roth

List of Participants