World Year of Physics 2005


As a part of the activities to celebrate the "World Year of Physics 2005", we are organizing a new edition of the "Carpathian Summer School of Physics" in Romania. The title chosen for this edition of the Summer School is:

"Exotic Nuclei and Nuclear/Particle Astrophysics"

The School will be held between June 13-24, 2005, in Mamaia, a Romanian sea side resort near the Black Sea port of Constanta, and is intended to be a continuation of our traditional biennial "Carpathian Summer Schools" which began in 1967, in Predeal or Poiana Brasov.

The aim of this event, tradionally called a 'school', but which combined features of a conference/workshop with that of a typical school, is to give a self-consistent overview on essential ideas, open problems and developments in these topics. We intend to have outstanding professors give up-to-date reviews on specific subjects so that students can learn about the real status of the field. The school will also provide means of easy contact between students and aspiring young scientists with well established researchers in the field.

Time will be allocated for oral contributions from younger scientists.

In addition, we intend to organize a few public lectures at the Ovidius University in Constanta on subjects related to the worldwide centennial celebration of Albert Einstein's Miraculous Year. We shall also organize excursions and social events in order to provide the participants with a flavor of Romanian landscape and culture.

Conference fee

There will be a conference fee of 250 euros for those attending the whole period, and 150 euros for those attending a week only. It will cover conference expenses, the cost of social events, including local excursions, and the proceedings. The fee can only be paid on arrival. Local and major currencies will be accepted.

     Accomodation costs:

See the following link for prices: Accomodation


A limited number of fellowships will be available for students from developing countries (pending on final approval of international support). The applicants should provide a short (one page) CV and a letter of recommendation from a senior professor/scientist who supports their application.

Webmaster Gabriel Tabacaru