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- Use plain LaTeX2e with a4 paper:
- \documentclass[a4paper]{article}
- Use graphicx package for inclusion of
in the preamble and
to include graphics files.
- For graphics files use encapsulated
postscript (.eps) files if you use latex compiler or JPEG (.jpeg,
.jpg) files if you use pdflatex compiler. Do not use bmp or pcx
files !
- Do not hardcode references, i.e. do
not write something like:
Use \ref instead:
- .... equation \ref{e1} ....
and \label{} to define the
corresponding label:
For references use
"thebibliography" environment:
- \begin{thebibliography}...
- \bibitem ....
and \cite for citations.
- Do not define or redefine macros,
i.e. do not use \def, \newcommand, \newenvironment, \renewcommand,
\newcounter, etc.
- Do not change the page layout or
dimensions (\textwidth, \textheight,etc.).
- Send the latex file and the graphics
files by e-mail as separate attachements.
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