Different aspects of the interplay between the quantum and classical mechanics are studied in the group of M&CP.
A program to find a simple geometrical description of coherent states as they are used in Physics has been initiated by Berceanu Stefan.
This program has to answer the following questions:
- find a geometrical significance for the transition probabilities on manifold of coherent states;
- find a geometrical description for the phase which appears in the transition amplitude;
- find all the manifolds for which the angle defined by the scalar product of two normalized coherent states is a distance on the manifold of coherent states;
- find a geometrical significance for the diastasis function of Calabi in the context of coherent states;
- state precisely the projective space in which is embedded the manifold of coherent states;
- state precisely the relationship between the coherent states and geodesics;
- state precisely the geometrical meaning of the polar divisor (the locus of coherent vectors orthogonal to a fixed coherent vector).