Exploratory Research Project PN-II-PCE-2011-3-0050

Supported by UEFISCDI under contract 43/05.10.2011

Decay modes of superheavy nuclei

ABSTRACT: There is an impressive progress in production of superheavy elements (SH) with atomic numbers from 104 up to 118 by using fusion reactions. They are identified by detecting decay modes. Only alpha decay and spontaneous fission have been experimentally observed. We would like to take also into account heavy particle decay (HPD) or cluster radioactivity. Calculations are very sensitive to the released energy (Q value) obtained as a difference from the two decay products and the parent masses. Experimental masses (AME11) are not available for new SH with Z>118, hence we shall use calculated masses, e.g. KTUY05 and FRDM95. The competition between these three kinds of decay modes for a large number of SH nuclei with Z=104-126 is expected to show a region where the HPD will prevail. In a systematic search for HPD we shall consider not only the emitted particles with 2<Ze<29 but also heavier ones up to Ze=Z-82, allowing to get a doubly magic daughter around 208Pb. Our models: analytical superasymmetric fission, the newly developed single universal curve, and the semiempirical relationship for alpha decay will be used to estimate the half-lives against alpha decay, heavy particle decay, and cold fission. Potential energy surfaces showing valleys of different decay modes will be calculated within macroscopic-microcopic method with shell and BCS pairing corrections based on the two center shell model.



Funding application

Scientific Report 2011

Scientific Report 2012

Scientific Report 2013

Raport Sintetic 2013

Scientific Report 2014

Scientific Report 2015

Scientific Report 2016

Raport Stiintific Sintetic


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Honor 1


Grigore Moisil prize nominee


Honor 4

Best Formulae for Alpha Decay

Member of International Advisory Committee and Chairman of a Plenary Session: Cluster16, Napoli, Italy