Project Idei nr 160/2021 (period: 2021 –2023)

Title: Probing alpha-like correlations and proton-neutron pairing in self-conjugate nuclei

Abstract  (english)

The scope of the project is to investigate the alpha-like correlations and
proton-neutron pairing in N=Z nuclei by using: (a) alpha transfer reactions;
(b) superallowed alpha decays of N=Z nuclei above 100Sn; (c) delayed alignment in
high-spin states of heavy N=Z nuclei. In addition, we intend to study the effects
of proton-neutron pairing correlations in the framework of the Quartet-Meson-Coupling
approach,  which treats consistently the tensor and the spin-orbit interactions.

Abstract (româna)

Scopul proiectului este investigarea corelatiilor de tip alpha si a
interactiei de pairing proton-neutronice folosind: (a) reactii de transfer;
(b) dezintegrarea alpha de tip "superallowed", observata recent  in nucleele
N=Z mai grele decit 100Sn; (c) fenomenul "delayed alignment", observat in unele
nuclee grele cu N=Z.  In plus, se vor studia efectele corelatiilor de pairing
in cadrul modelului Quark-Meson-Coupling, ce ofera o descriere self-consistenta
a interactiei tensoriale si a interactiei spin-orbita.

Research group

Dr. Nicolae Sandulescu –Senior Researcher I, project leader

Dr. Negrea Daniel -Senior Researcher III

Drd. Theodor Popa –PhD student



Scientific report  2021

Scientific report_2022