List of publications
~ Stefan Berceanu ~


  1. E. Balea, O. Balea, S. Berceanu, C. Coca, A. Mihul, M. Sabau, Cross sections of π-p interactions at 20 GeV/c. Proceed. Kiev Int. Conf. on High Energy Physics, V-I, 148 (1970).


  2. E. Balea, O. Balea, S. Berceanu, C. Coca, A. Mihul, M. Sabau, Antilambda production in p interactions at 20 Gev/c Rev. Roum. Phys. 15, 1035-1038 (1970).


  3. I. Berceanu, S. Berceanu, T. Besliu, A. Mihul, Compilation of cross sections for strange particle production in π-p interactions Communic. JINR E1-6327 (1972), 143 p.


  4. E. Balea, O. Balea, S. Berceanu, V. M. Karnauhov, V. Kautis, C. Coca, N. F. Markova, A. Mihul, V. I. Moroz, C. N. Tentiukova, Prosmotry i izmerenia sobytii dvuh metrovoi vodorodnoi puzyrkovoi kamere ablucenoi mezonami s impulsom 16 GeV/c, IUCN, B-2-1-7133 (1973), 15 p.


  5. E. Balea, O. Balea, S. Berceanu, V. M. Karnauhov, V. Kautis, C. Coca, N. F. Markova, A. Mihul, V. I. Moroz, C. N. Tentiukova, Podbor kostant dlia programma obrabotki danyh s dvuh metrovoi vodorodnoi kamery π- mezonami s impulsom 16 Gev/c, IUCN, B-2-1-7134 (1973), 43 p.


  6. E. Balea, O. Balea, S. Berceanu, V. M. Karnauhov, V. Kautis, C. Coca, N. F. Markova, A. Mihul, V. I. Moroz, C. N. Tentiukova, Cetyrehlucevye sobytia s rojdenia stranyh ciastitz v p vzaimodestviah pri 16 GeV/c. Ciasty I: prosmotry, izmerenia, geometriceskai recostructzia Communic. IUCN, 1-7140 (1973), 21 p.


  7. E. Balea, O. Balea, S. Berceanu, C. Coca, A. Mihul, M. Sabau, Λ production in interactions at 20 Gev/c, Nucl. Phys. B54, 189-198 (1973).


  8. E. Balea, O. Balea, S. Berceanu, C. Coca, A. Mihul, M. Sabau Study of Kaon production by 20 GeV/c π- mesons on protons Rev. Roum. Phys. 18, 143-150 (1973).


  9. S. Berceanu, T. Besliu, A. Gheorghe, A. Mihul, Asymptotic properties of charge distributions JINR E2-7257 (1973); Lett. Nuovo. Cimento 8, 345-352 (1973).


  10. S. Berceanu, T. Besliu, A. Gheorghe, A. Mihul, Conditional charge distributions at very high energy JINR E2-7188 (1973); Phys. Lett. B45, 371-375 (1973).


  11. T. Besliu, M. Gavrilas, I. Berceanu, S. Berceanu, C. V. Kautis, A. L. M. Mihul, T. Nygren, K. V. Laurikainen, Cross sections for strange particle production in induced reactions Communic. JINR E1-7380 (1973), 144 p.


  12. S. Berceanu, A. Gheorghe, E. Mihul, Five-particle-amplitudes near Physical Regions Lett. Nuovo. Cimento 9, 245 (1974); JINR, E2-7472 (1973).


  13. E. Balea, O. Balea, S. Berceanu, V. M. Karnauhov, V. Kautis, C. Coca, A. Mihul, V. I. Moroz, C. N. Tentiukova, Cetyrehlucevye sobytia s rojdenia stranyh ciastitz v πp vzaimodestviah: Efectivnosti prosmotra i kriterii otbora sobytii dlia kinematiceskoi identificatzii IUCN, B1-1-8136 (1974), 8p.


  14. E. Balea, O. Balea, S. Berceanu, V. M. Karnauhov, V. Kautis, C. Coca, A. Makarenkova, A. Mihul, V. I. Moroz, M. S. Novikova, C. N. Tentiukova, Vybor nekotoryh kriteriev identificatzii kanalov reaktzii v cetyrehlucevye sobytia s rojdeniem stranyh ciastitz v p vzaimodeistviah pri impulse pervicinih mezonov 16 Gev/c, B1-1-8137, IUCN (1974), 21 p.


  15. E. Balea, O. Balea, S. Berceanu, V. M. Karnauhov, V. Kautis, C. Coca, N. F. Markova, A. Mihul, V. I. Moroz, C. N. Tentiukova, Cetyrehlucevye sobytia s rojdenia stranyh ciastitz v π- p vzaimodestviah pri 16 GeV/c. Ciasty II: Identificatzia neitralnyh stranyh ciastitz Communic. IUCN, 1-8138 (1974), 16 p.


  16. E. Balea, O. Balea, S. Berceanu, V. M. Karnauhov, V. Kautis, C. Coca, N. F. Markova, A. Mihul, V. I. Moroz, C. N. Tentiukova, Cetyrehlucevye sobytia s rojdenia stranyh ciastitz v p vzaimodestviah pri 16 GeV/c. Ciasty III: Identificatzia kanalov reaktzii Communic. IUCN, 1-8139 (1974), 15 p.


  17. S.Berceanu, On tauberian theorems and inclusive processes Communic. JINR E2-8542 (1975), 12 p. [ PDF, 315 Kb]


  18. S. Berceanu, A classification of model predictions on asymptotic behaviour of multiplicity moments Rev. Roum. Phys. 20, 831-838 (1975); JINR, E2-8544 (1975).


  19. S. Berceanu, On regularities of strange particle production in high energy collitions Communic. JINR E2-8558 (1975), 27 p. [ PDF, 579 Kb]


  20. S.Berceanu, T. Ponta, On multiplicity systematics on π0,K0s and production in high energy collisions Rev. Roum. Phys. 20, 165-171 (1975); JINR, E1-7901 (1974).


  21. I. Berceanu, S. Berceanu, AXILOG, subroutine from the SCOOP program from CERN, adaptem for the BESM-6 Ploter; registred in the public library of the Computing Center at Dubna under the name J.502 A (1975).


  22. S. Berceanu, A. Gheorghe, Separate sum rules at very high energies Conf. on High Energy Physics 1976, paper 1040, Tibilisi (submitted); On the asymptotic behaviour of mean quantities in inclusive reactions, Oral Communication by S. Berceanu at the Working Meeting ICEFIZ 2-3 July 1976, p. 29.


  23. E. Balea, S. Berceanu, C. Coca, A. Mihul, A. Sararu, O. Balea, V. Karnauhov, V. I. Moroz, Cross sections for starange particle production in π-p interactions at 16 Gev/c, Oral Communication at the Working Meeting ICEFIZ 2-3 July 1976, p. 26.


  24. S. Berceanu, A. Gheorghe, Asymptotic separate sum rules in multiparticle production, in ``Topics in Physics", 71-77, A volume dedicated to S. Titeica at his 70-th anniversary, march 1978, Central Institute of Physics.


  25. E. Balea, S. Berceanu, V. M. Karnauhov, C. Coca, A. Mihul, hyperon production in  π-p  interactions at 16 Gev/c, Iadernaia Fizika 28, 1437-1438 (1978); Communication at the Working Meeting ICEFIZ 21-22 july 1979, abstract p. ll-37.


  26. E. Balea, S. Berceanu, C. Coca, V. M. Karnaukhov, G. Kellner, A. Mihul, A. Sararu, V. M. Volchkov and  Ξ+  production in interactions at 16 Gev/c, Communication at the Working Meeting ICEFIZ 21-22 July 1979, abstract p. ll- 37; Communic. JINR, E1-11653 (1978); Nucl. Phys. B150, 345-356 (1979). [ PDF, 473 Kb]


  27. E. Balea, S. Berceanu, C. Coca, A. L. M. Mihul, O. Balea, V. M. Karnauhov, V. I. Moroz, The methodics of the identification of elastic  π-p  interactions at 16 GeV/c, St. Cerc. Fiz. 31, 3-22 (1979).


  28. E. Balea, S. Berceanu, C. Coca, A. Mihul, A. Sararu, V. M. Karnauhov, V. I. Moroz, Neutral strange particle in interactions at 16 Gev/c, Oral Communication at the Working Meeting ICEFIZ 21-22 July 1979, p. II-44; Nucl. Phys. B163, 21 (1980).


  29. S. Berceanu, A. Gheorghe, Pomeranchuk properties for inclusive multiparticle reactions, Oral Communication by S. Berceanu at the Working Meeting ICEFIZ 21-22 july 1979, p. ll-37.


  30. S. Berceanu, Lectures on Morse Theory Preprint IFA, FT-238-1984 Bucharest, 86 p. [ PDF, 1.4 Mb]


  31. S. Berceanu, A. Gheorghe, Perfect Morse functions on compact manifold of coherent states, Preprint IFA, FT-248-1984, Bucharest; Oral Communication by S. Berceanu at the Rumanian-American Session of Mathematical Physics, Bucharest (1984) (unpublished). [ PDF, 455 Kb]


  32. S. Berceanu, A. Gheorghe, On the asymptotics of distributions with support in cone preprint IFIN FT-252-1984; J. Math. Phys. 26, 2335-2341 (1985).


  33. S. Berceanu, A. Gheorghe, On the construction of Perfect Morse functions on compact manifold of coherent states J. Math. Phys. 28, 2899-3007 (1987) (88m: 58026, Reviewer Martin. A. Guest). [ PS.GZ, 1001 Kb]


  34. L. Gr. Ixaru, S. Berceanu, Colleman's Method Maximally adapted to the Schrödinger equations, Comp. Phys. Commun. 144, 11-20 (1988) (88i: 81009, Reviewer Ernest R. Davidson).


  35. S. Berceanu, A. Gheorghe, Perfect Morse functions on the manifold of Slater determinants Oral Communication by S. Berceanu at the Working Meeting ICEFIZ 1983; Rev. Roum. Phys. 34, 125-146 (1989) (90j: 81064, Reviewer Wen Zhao Lu).


  36. S. Berceanu, A. Gheorghe, Perfect Morse functions and linear dynamical systems on compact Kähler manifolds, Proceed. of XX National Congres of Geometry and Topology, October 5-7, Timisoara , 35- 44 (1989), invited talk by S. Berceanu.


  37. S. Berceanu, A. Gheorghe, Equations of motion on complex Grassmann manifold Rev. Roum. Phys. 36, 533-544 (1991). [ PDF, 421 Kb]


  38. S. Berceanu, A. Gheorghe, Equations of motions on the projective space CP(n), Rev. Roum. Phys. 56, 243-250 (1991).


  39. S. Berceanu, A. Gheorghe, Symmetries in Classical motion and Quantization, Oral Communication presented by S. Berceanu at the Summer School "New Trends in Theoretical and Experimental Nuclear Physics", Predeal, Romania 26 August- 16 Sept. 1991 (unpublished).


  40. S. Berceanu, A. Gheorghe, Classical motion and quantum evolution on compact Kähler manifolds, Polytech. Inst. Electr. Engin. 53, no. 3-4, 51-60 (1991), invited talk presented by S. Berceanu at the Conf. ``Differential geometry and topological applications in physics and technics", Sept 9-13 1991, Bucharest, Romania; (95g:81068 Reviewer Ivailo M. Mladenov).


  41. S. Berceanu, A. Gheorghe, On equations of motion on Hermitian symmetric spaces J. Math. Phys. 33, 998-1007 (1992) (93a: 81076 Reviewer Mauro Spera). [ PS.GZ, 1.5 Mb]


  42. S. Berceanu, L. Boutet de Monvel, Equations of motion on noncompact Hermitian symmetric spaces, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, t.316, serie 1, 107-112, 1993 (94a: 22011 Reviewer Jules Beckers).


  43. S. Berceanu, L. Boutet de Monvel, Linear dynamical systems, coherent state manifolds, flows and matrix Riccati equation, preprint Bielefeld, BIBOS 546/962; J. Math. Phys 34, 2353-2371 (1993) (94g: 58066 Reviewer Wojcieh Lisiecki). [ PS.GZ, 1.8 Mb]


  44. S.Berceanu, From quantum mechanics to classical mechanics and back, via coherent states, in "Quantization and Infinite-Dimensional Systems", pp. 155-163, Plenum Press, New York, 1994, Edited by J. P. Antoine, S. Twareque Ali, W. Lisiecki, I. M. Mladenov, A. Odzijewicz, Proceedings of the XII Workshop of Geometric methods in Physics, Bialowieza, July 1-7, Poland 1993 (97a: 81079 Reviewer Le Man Kuang).


  45. S. Berceanu, Coherent states and global differential geometry, in "Quantization, Coherent states and complex structures", Plenum, New York, pp. 131-140, 1995, Edited by J. P. Antoine, S. Twareque Ali, W. Lisiecki, I. M. Mladenov, A. Odzijewicz, Proceedings of the XIII Workshop of Geometric methods in Physics, Bialowieza, July 9-15, Poland 1994 (97i: 53046, Reviewer Nicolas P. Landsman).


  46. S. Berceanu, Coherent states: old Geometric methods in new quantum clothes, Press International, Cambridge, p 778, 1995, Editor D. Iagolnitzer, contributed work at the XI Congress of Mathematical Physics, Paris 18-22 July 1994, France; preprint Nr.664/11/94, Universitat Bielfeld; preprint Institute of Atomic Physics FT-398-1994, august 1994; hep-th/9408008, 4 p.; appeared under the title: The coherent states: old geometricsl objects in new quantum clothes Rom. Journ. Phys. Vol 47, Nos. 3-4, P. 353-358, 2002


  47. S. Berceanu, Coherent states and geodesics: cut locus and conjugate locus, Institute of Atomic Physics preprint FT-404-1995, 14 p., February 1995, dg-ga/9502007; in extended version, J. Geometry & Phys. 21, No. 2, 149-168 (1997) (97i: 53046 Reviewer Nicolas P. Landsman).


  48. S. Berceanu, On the Geometry of complex Grassmann manifold, invited lecture at the Winter School of Mathematical Physics, Mariansk, Cheque Republic, 16 pages, February 1995 (unpublished).


  49. S. Berceanu, Coherent States and Geodesics, invitated talk by Prof. L. Papaloucas at the Univ. Panepisteomopolis, Department of Mathematics, Athens, Greece, May 1995 (unpublished).


  50. S. Berceanu, On the Geometry of complex Grassmann manifold, its noncompact dual and coherent states, 36 p, 1995, preprint Bucharest, Institute of Atomic Physics FT-409-1995, September; dg-ga/9509002; improved version in Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. Simon Stevin 4, 205-243 (1997) (98j: 53058 Reviewer J. Dorfmeister).


  51. S. Berceanu, Coherent states, transition amplitudes and embeddings, dg-ga/9707026, in "Quantization, Coherent States and Poisson Structures", Polish Scientific Publishers PWN (Warszawa) pp. 133-142 (1998), Edited by A. Strasburger, S. Twareque Ali, J.-P. Antoine and A. Odzijewicz, Proceedings of the XIV Workshop on Geometric Methods in Physics, Biaowieza, Poland, 9-15 july 1995.


  52. S. Berceanu A remark about Berezin's quantization and cut locus, dg-ga/9707025 , in "Quantizations, Deformations and Coherent States", Edited by S. Twareque Ali, A. Odzijewicz and A. Strasburger, Proceedings of the XV Workshop on Geometric Methods in Physics, Bialowieza, Poland, 1-7 july 1996, Rep. Math. Phys. 40, 159-168, (1997).


  53. S. Berceanu Geometry via coherent states, dg-ga/9708001, in "GROUP21: Physical Applications and Mathematical Aspects of Geometry, Groups and Algebras", V. 1, Editors: H.-D. Doebner, W Scherer, P. Nattermann, Word Scientific, Singapore, pp. 228-232 (1997), Proceedings of the XXI International Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics, 15-20 July 1996, Goslar, Germany.


  54. S. Berceanu Coherent states, line bundles and divisors, in "Coherent States, Differential and Quantum Geometry", Edited by A. Strasburger, M. Schlichenmaier, S. Twareque Ali and A. Odzijewicz, Proceedings of the XVI Workshop on Geometric Methods in Physics, Biaowieza, Poland, June 30 -- July 6, 1997, Rep. Math. Phys., 43, 25-33 (1999); math.DG/9807073.


  55. S. Berceanu Coherent states and geometry, Invited Talk at the The Third International Workshop of Differential Geometry and its applications, and First German-Romanian Seminar on Geometry, 18-23 September 1997, Sibiu, Romania, General Mathematics, 5, 13-31 (1997), Editors S. Balea, M. Craioveanu, R. Iordanescu, T. Zamfirescu, math.DG/9807072, (1723592 Mathematical Reviews)


  56. S. Berceanu Coherent states, phases and symplectic areas of geodesic triangles, Math. DG/9903190 talk at the XVII Workshop on Geometric Methods in Physics, "Coherent States, Quantization and Gravity", Bialowieza, Poland, July 3-9, 1998, Edited by M. Schlichenmaier, A. Strasburger, S. Twareque Ali, A. Odjziewicz, Warsaw University Press, Warsaw , Warsaw 2001, (ISBN 83-235-0066-5), 129-137


  57. S. Berceanu and M. Schlichenmaier, Coherent state embeddings, polar divisors and Cauchy formulas, Mannheimer Manuskripte 232, math. DG/9903105, (1999), J. Geom. Phys. 34 336-358PDF, 148 Kb] (2000) (2001f: 53185 Reviewer: Albert Jeu-Liang Sheu) [


  58. S. Berceanu On the geometry of coherent states, paper in preparation, to be submitted to Reviews Math. Phys. 25 p.


  59. S. Berceanu Symplectic area of geodesic triangles on the complex Grassmann manifold and his noncompact dual, in preparation, 10 p.


  60. S. Berceanu and A. Gheorghe, Differential operators on Kähler orbits of coherent states, talk by S. Berceanu at the XVIII Workshop on Geometric Methods in Physics, "Algebraic and geometric aspect of quantization", Biaowieza, Poland, July 4-10, 1999,


  61. S. Berceanu Etats cohérents et géometrie, cycle of 3 lectures of 1.30 h each at Laboratoire J. A. Dieudonné, Univeristé Sophia-Antipolis, Nice, France: 1. La variété de Grassmann complexe- visite guidée par les états coherents (24 Avril 1998); 2). Un programme sur l'interpretation géometrique des états coherents (14 Mai, 1998); 3) Etats cohérents et géodesiques (25 Mai 1998) (unpublished, http:


  62. C. Balaceanu-Stolnici, S. Berceanu, A. Brezianu, N. Cajal, C. Claude, M. Cociu, I. A. Dorobantu, A. Dumitriu, D. Grigorescu, R. Grigorovici, I. Ianosi, N. Manolescu, S. Marcus, V. E. Masek, C. Noica, A. Paleologlu, I. Panaitescu, I. Parvu, G. Paun, A. Plesu, E. Siupur, A. Stroe, A. Tocilescu, S. Titeica, E. Vasiliu, Sorin Vieru, Cartea Interferentelor, Coordanatori: S. Berceanu, I. Barna, P. Dita, M. Ghitoc, S. Holan, A. Isar, S. Popp, Editura stiintifica si enciclopedica, Bucuresti, 1985 (in romanian)


  63. S. Berceanu, Symplectic area of geodesic triangles and the generalization of the shape invariant via coherent states, oral communication at the Fourth International Workshop on Differential Geometry and its applications, Brasov, Romania, September 16-22, 1999, Editors G. Pitis, G. Munteanu, Transilvania University Press ISBN 973-947-68-3, p. 62-65 (1999)


  64. S. Berceanu, Symplectic area of geodesic triangles and coherent states, Workshop on Aspects of Quantization, Canada, September 23-28, 1999, one hour talk (unpublished); also, seminar at the Berkeley, CA, USA, in the Seminary on Symplectic Geometry of Alan Weinstein, May 23, 2000; also seminary at the Dopler Institute, Czech Technical Univesity in Prague, Faculty of Nuclear Science and Physical Engineering, Seminar of Mathematical Physics of J. Tolar, oct. 17, 2000


  65. S. Berceanu, A. Gheorghe, Boson expansions for Kähler orbits, Oral Communication by S. Berceanu at the International Symposium Advances in Nuclear Physics, 9-10 December 1999, Bucharest-Magurele, Romania, organized by Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH), Rom. Journ. Phys. 45. Nos 3-4, 285-288 (2000)


  66. S. Berceanu, Topics on coherent states, Segal-Bargmann-Hall transform, Toeplitz operators and D-modules, a series of two hours talks delivered in the Seminary of ``Operator Theory'' of S. Berceanu and A. Gheondea at the Institute of Mathematics Simion Stoilow at Romanian Academy, the first one on January 24, 2000


  67. S. Berceanu and A.Gheorghe, Holomorphic quantization and equations of motion generated by algebraic Hamiltonians, inivited talk by S. Berceanu at the Third International Workshop on Wavlets, Quantization and Differential Equations: Theory and Applications, University of Havana, Cuba, May 2-6, 2000


  68. S. Berceanu, Linear dynamical systems on Kähler coherent states orbits, invited talk at the Universidad National Autonoma de Mexico, Istituto de Matematicas, Unidad Cuernavaca, May 10, 2000.


  69. S. Berceanu, Holomorphic differential operators with polynomial coefficients on Kähler coherent state orbits, seminar at the Insitute of Mathematics, University of Technology, Darmstadt, Seminary on ''Complex Analysis'' of Karl-Hermann Neeb, November 9, 2000; also at the seminary at the Universite Libre de Bruxelles, December 4, 2001, seminary of Prof. Simone Gutt; in Lille University, December 11, 2001, seminary of Professor G. Tuynman;


  70. S. Berceanu "On the geometrical significance of the phase of the scalar product of coherent states", invited talk, XXth WORKSHOP ON GEOMETRIC METHODS IN PHYSICS Algebraic and Geometric Foundations of Quantum Systems Bialowieza, Poland, July 1 - July 7, 2001


  71. S. Berceanu, Holomorphic differential operators with polynomial coefficients on Kähler coherent state orbits, seminar at the Insitute of Mathematics, University of Technology, Darmstadt, Seminary on ''Complex Analysis'' of Karl-Hermann Neeb, November 9, 2000; also at the seminary at the Universite Libre de Bruxelles, December 4, 2001 seminary of Prof. Michel Cahen; in Lille University, December 11, 2001, seminary of Professor G. Tuynman;


  72. S. Berceanu, A. Gheorghe "Linear Hamiltonians on homogeneous Kähler manifolds of coherent states", 50 minuts talk by S. Berceanu at THE FIFTH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY AND ITS APPLICATIONS (Timisoara - ROMANIA, September 18-22, 2001), An. Univ. Timisoara Ser. Mat.-Inform. Vol XXXIX (2001) 31-56, Special Issue: Mathematics PDF, also arXiv:math.DF/0408254 v. 1, 19 Aug 2004


  73. S. Berceanu, A. Gheorghe, "Realization of Lie algebras by first-order differential operators with holomorphic polynomial coefficients on Kähler coherent state orbits", talk by S. Berceanu at the Sophus Lie seminary, Humbold University, Berlin 6-8 December (2001)


  74. S. Berceanu, The coherent states: old geometrical methods in new quantum clothes. A revisit, 1st Annual Communication Session of the Theoretical Physics Department, In memory of Aretin Corciovei; January, 24-25 2002 (the original version from 1994 published in Romanian J. Phys. Vol. 47, Nos. 3-4, P. 353-358, Bucharest, 2002 proceedings In memoriam Aretin Corcioivei )


  75. S. Berceanu and A. Gheorghe, Differential operators on orbits of coherent states, Oral communication by S. Berceanu at the First National Conference on Theoretical Physics, September 13-16, 2002, Magurele Bucharest, Romania, PDF file , also arXiv:math.DG/0211054 v. 1, 4 Nov. 2002, 10 p; Romanian J. Phys. Vol. 48, Nos. 4-5 (2003) 545-556 

   76. S. Berceanu, On the continuity of the geometry school in Kazan, Communication at the Romanian Academy with the occasion of the Session of Communications of the Mathematical  Division of the Romanian Academy dedicated to the JANOS BOLYAI Bicentenial: Non-Euclidean Geometries, yesterady and today, December 13, 2002, Academica 10, (2003), 55-58

    77. S.   Berceanu, Realization of coherent state algebras by differential operators, in Advances in Operator Algebras and Mathematical Physics (Sinaia, 2003), F. Boca, O. Bratteli, R. Longo, H. Siedentop eds., The Theta Foundation, Bucharest 2005, pp 1-24, ISBN 973-857432-7-4; arXiv: math.DG/0504053, v.1, 4 Apr 2005, 26 pp

  78. S. Berceanu, Geometrical phases on hermitian symmetric spaces, in Recent Advances in Geometry and Topology, Proceedings of the The Sixth International Workshop on Differential   Geometry and its Applications and The Third German-Romanian Seminar on Geometry, Cluj-Napoca - Romania, September 1-6, 2003, Editors Dorin Andrica, Paul A. Blaga, Cluj University Press (2004) pp. 83-98; ISBN 973-610-277-7; also in arXiv: math.DG/0408233 v1 18 Aug 2004

   79. S. Berceanu, A. Gheorghe, A holomorphic representation of coherent state algebras of semidirect product type, 17-19 December 2003, Anual conference of communications of NIPNE, Bucharest, Romania

  80. S. Berceanu, A holomorphic representation of the Jacobi algebra, invited talk at the XXIII WORKSHOP ON GEOMETRIC METHODS IN PHYSICS, 27 JUNE - 3 JULY 2004, BIALOWIEZA, POLAND, v. 1, 17 Aug 2004; arXiv:math.DG/0408219 v. 3, 13 Nov 2012; Rev. Math. Phys., vol. 18, No. 2 (2006) 163-199; talk at the Centre Bernoulli, EPFL, Switzerland, 16 December 2004; invited talk at the Institute of Mathematics, Zagreb, Croatia, December 1, 2005; Errata: A holomorphic representation of the Jacobi algebra, Rev.   Math. Phys. Vol. 24, No. 10 (2012) 1292001 (2 pages

81. S. Berceanu, A holomorphic representation of Lie algebras semidirect sum of semisimple and Heisenberg algebras, The Second National Conference of Theoretical Physics, 26-29 August 2004, Constanta, ROMANIA; Romanian J. Phys., vol. 50, nos. 1-2, pag. 81-94 (2005) [ PDF, 179 Kb ]

82. S. Berceanu, A Holomorphic Representation of the Semidirect Sum of Symplectic and Heisenberg Lie Algebras, oral communication at the XXIV WORKSHOP ON GEOMETRIC METHODS IN PHYSICS, 26 JUNE - 2 JULY 2005, BIALOWIEZA, POLAND; J. Geom. Symmetry Phys. 5 (2006), 5-13

83. S. Berceanu, A holomorphic representation of Jacobi algebra in several dimensions, 6th Operator Algebras International Conference: Operator Algebras and Mathematical Physics-3, Bucharest (Romania), August 10 - 17, 2005; A holomorphic representation of multidimensional Jacobi algebra, v1 18. Apr 2006, 26 pages; v2 1. June 2006, 28 pages, arXiV: math. DG/060404381, Perspectives in Operator Algebra and Mathematical Physics, F.-P. Boca, R. Purice, S. Stratila eds, Operator Algebras and mathematical Physics 3, Bucharest (Romania), August 10 - 17, 2005, The Theta Foundation, Bucharest 2008, pp 1-25; ISBN 978-973-87899-1-3

84.  S. Berceanu, A positive discrete series representation of the Jacobi algebra, National Physics Conference, CNF 2005, September 13- 16, Bucharest, Romania 85. S. Berceanu, Representations of coherent state Lie algebras by holomorphic differential operators, invited talk at the Ruder Boskovich Institute, Zagreb, Croatia, 30 November, 2005

85. S. Berceanu, Coherent states associated to the Jacobi Group - a variation on a theme by Erich-Kähler, Seminar of Theoretical Physics Dept., Bucharest, Romania, IFIN-HH, April 06, 2006 [ PDF] ; Talk at the XXV Workshop of Geometric Methods in Physics, Bialowieza, Poland, June 2- July 8, 2006 J. Geometry and Symmetry in Physics, 9, (2007) 1-8, MR2380011 ; Zbl pre05258052. ]

86. S. Berceanu, A holomorphic representation of the Jacobi algebra obtained via the coherent states, Séminaire a l'Universite Haute Alsace, 15.09.06, Mulhouse, France;

87. S. Berceanu, Coherent states associated to the Jacobi/Schrodinger group, invited talk at the X International Workshop on Differential Equations, Number Theory, Data Analysis Methods and Geometry, University of Havana, February 19-23, 2007;

88. S. Berceanu, A holomorphic representation of the Jacobi/Schrodinger algebra via the coherent states, talk at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, February 27, 2007;

89. S. Berceanu, A positive discrete series representation of the Jacobi/Schrödinger/Weyl-symplectic algebra via coherent states, invited talk at the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Instituto de Matematicas, Unidad de Cuernavaca, February 16, 2007;

90.  S. Berceanu, Coherent States Associated to the Real Jacobi Group, talk at the XXVI Workshop of Geometric Methods in Physics, Bialowieza, Poland, July 1-7, 2007; AIP Conference Proceedings Volume 956, XXVI workshop on GEOMETRIC METHODS IN PHYSICS, pp 233-239, (2007) Editors: P. Kielnowski, A. Odzijewicz, M. Schlichenmaier  

91. S. Berceanu, Coherent states associated to the Jacobi group, Romanian Reports in Physics, Vol 59, No 4, pp. 1089-1101 (2007)

92. S. Berceanu, A. Gheorghe, Applications of the Jacobi group to Quantum Mechanics, talk by S. Berceanu at the Third National Conference on Theoretical Physics, Busteni, Romania, June 10-13, 2008; Romanian Journal of Physics Vol 53, No 9-10 , pp. 1013-1021, (2008); arXiv: 0812.0448 (math.DG)

93. S. Berceanu, Generalized squeezed states for the Jacobi group, Talk at the 27th Workshop on Geometric Methods in Physics Bialowieza, POLAND, JUNE 29- JULY 5, 2008; AIP Conference Proceedings Volume 1079, GEOMETRIC METHODS IN PHYSICS, pp. 67-75 (2009) Bialowieza (Poland), 29 June - 5 July 2008, Editor(s): P. Kielanowski, A. Odzijewicz, M. Schlichenmaier, Th. Voronov; arXiv: 0812.0717 (math.DG)  

94. S. Berceanu, The Jacobi group and the squeezed states - some comments, Talk at XVIII Workshop on Geometric Methods in Physics, AIP Conference Proceedings Volume 1191, GEOMETRIC METHODS IN PHYSICS, pp 21-29, Bialowieza (Poland), June 28 -July 4 2009, Editor(s): P. Kielanowski, S. T. Ali, A. Odzijewicz, M. Schlichenmaier, Th. Voronov, ISBN 978-0-7354-0728-2; arXiv:0910.5563v1 [math.DG] 29 Oct 2009     

95. S.Berceanu, A Gheorghe, Coherent state quantization of Jacob oscillators, Talk at National Conference of Theoretical Physics, Iasi, 23-25 iunie 2010 

96. S.Berceanu, A. Gheorghe, On the geometry of Siegel-Jacobi domains,  Talk at The International Conference of Differential Geometry and Dynamical Systems, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania, August 25-28, 2010; arXiv:1011.3317; Int. J. Geom. Methods Mod. Phys., v8 N8 (December) 2011, 1783-1798 (link

97. S.Berceanu, A. Gheorghe, Holomorphic discrete series representations on Siegel-Jacobi domains, Talk at Analysis, Geometry and Group Representations for Homogeneous Spaces, Lorentz Center, Leiden, The Netherlands, 22-26 November 2011 

98. S. Berceanu, Generalized Coherent States Based on Siegel-Jacobi, Romanian Journal of Physics, vol. 56, nos. 7-8, p. 856-867,  2011(link

99. S. Berceanu, Classical and quantum evolution on Siegel-Jacobi domains, Talk by S. Berceanu at "XXX  Workshop on Geometric Methods in Physics",  Bialowieza (Poland), 26.06-02.07.2011; published as S. Berceanu, Classical and quantum evolution on the Siegel-Jacobi manifolds, in Geometric Methods in Physics, book,  Birkhäuser Basel, Series: Trends in Mathematics, Kielanowski, P.; Ali, S.T.; Odzijewicz, A.; Schlichenmaier, M.; Voronov, T. (eds.), 2013,  43-52, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-0348-0448-6_3   

100.  S. Berceanu, A. Gheorghe, Matrix elements of  the Jacobi group, Rom. J. Phys., vol 56, nos. 9-10,  p. 1056-1068, 2011 (link

101. S. Berceanu, Consequences of the fundamental conjecture for the motion on the Siegel-Jacobi disk, Int. J. Geom. Methods Mod. Phys. v10 n1 ( January  2013),  1250076 (18 pages), DOI: 10.1142/S0219887812500764, arXiv:1110.5469 [math.DG] (v1 - 25 Oct 2011, v2 - 23 Apr 2012),

 102. S. Berceanu, A convenient coordinatization of Siegel-Jacobi domains, Rev. Math. Phys.  Vol. 24, No. 9 (2012) 1250024 (38 pages); arXiv:1204.5610 [math.DG] (v1 - 25 Apr. 2012), 32 p. 

 103. S. Berceanu,  A useful parametrization of  Siegel-Jacobi manifolds,  Talk by S. Berceanu at XXXI  Workshop on Geometric Methods in Physics, 24.06 - 30.06, 2012, Bialowieza (Poland), Editors : Dr. Piotr Kielanowski,  Dr. S. Twareque Ali , Prof. Dr. Alexander Odesski, Prof. Dr. Anatol Odzijewicz, Prof. Dr. Martin Schlichenmaier Dr. Theodore Voronov,  Birkhauser, Trends in Mathematics, 99-108 (2013)

 104. S. Berceanu,  A. Gheorghe,  The Jacobi  group and its holomorphic discrete series representations on Siegel-Jacobi domains, talk by S. Berceanu at the workshop "Harmonic analysis on homogeneous spaces and quantization", 14-28 October, 2012, Tambov, to appear in Tambov University Reports. 

105. S. Berceanu, Quantum mechanics and geometry on Siegel-Jacobi spaces, talk by IBS at  Department of Geometry and Physics,  Pohang, Korea,  (May 20, 2013); 7 June 2013, 12:00 (noon), talk at Geometry&Physics Seminary DFT, IFIN-HH, 

106. S. Berceanu,  Some remarks on the geometry of Siegel-Jacobi domains, talk at Inha Univ,  Incheon, Korea, Mathematics Department  (May 28: 17-18);

107 S. Berceanu,  The Jacobi group and quantum mechanics, talk at Inha Univ, Incheon, Korea, Physics Department,   (May 28: 15:30 - 16:20) 

108. S. Berceanu, Quantum mechanics and geometry on Siegel-Jacobi disk,  talk at  XXXII  workshop of Geometric Methods  in Physics,  -Bialowieza,  29 June- 6 july 2013, Geometric Methods in Physics. XXXII Workshop 2013, Editors P. Kielanowski, P. Bieliavsky A. Odesski, A. Odzijewicz,  M. Schlichenmaier,  Th.  Voronov,  Trends in Mathematics, 89-98, 2014, Birkhuaser,  Springer Basel AG

 109. Stefan Berceanu, Coherent states and geometry on the Siegel-Jacobi disk,  Int. J. Geom. Methods Mod. Phys.  Vol. 11 (2014) 1450035 (25 pages), DOI: 10.1142/S0219887814500352arXiv:1307.4219v2 [math.DG]

110.   Stefan Berceanu,  Wei-Norman and Berezin's equations of motion on the Siegel-Jacobi disk,  arXiv:1403.6594v1 [math.DG], Romanian J Phys.  vol 60 No 1-2, P 126-146,  2015,

111.  Stefan Berceanu,  Geometry and Physics on Siegel-Jacobi Spaces,  talk at IMAR, seminary of  Differential geometry, Room 309-310 "Gheorghe Vranceanu", Monday, May 12,  room 309,  2014, 10-11:30 am,

112. Stefan Berceanu, On equations of motion on Siegel-Jacobi spaces generated by linear Hamiltonians in the generators of the Jacobi group, XXX International Colloquim on Group Theoretical Methods in  Physics,  Ghent University, 14-18 July 2014,  30th International Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics (Group30) IOP Publishing Journal of Physics: Conference Series 597 (2015) 012016 , 10 pages ;    doi:10.1088/1742-6596/597/1/012016;;jsessionid=9BE7D9C7AACBAA0F494C7D0B88824D4F.c3

113. Stefan Berceanu, Bergman representative coordinates on the Siegel-Jacobi disk,  Rom. Journ. Phys., Vol. 60, Nos. 7-8,
P. 867–896,, arXiv:1409.0368v1 ,  [math.DG]

114. Stefan Berceanu, The Jacobi group in Physics and Mathematics, talk at Geometry&Physics Seminary DFT, IFIN-HH, January 23, 2015, 11 am,

115. Stefan Berceanu, Differential Geometry on Siegel-Jacobi spaces, invited talk at the  12th INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP on DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY and its APPLICATIONS,  PETROLEUM-GAS UNIVERSITY of Ploiesti, 23-26 September 2015,

116. Stefan Berceanu, Balanced metric on the Siegel-Jacobi ball, invited talk at IMAR, seminary of Harmonic Analysis, November 25, 10-12 am,  room 309 -310  ``Gheorghe  Vranceanu'',

117. Stefan Berceanu, Balanced metric and Berezin quantization on  the Siegel-Jacobi ball, SIGMA 12 (2016) 064, 24 pages, arXiv:1512.00601v1 [math.DG] , 31 pp;       arXiv:1512.00601v2 [math.DG] 27 Jun 2016

118. Stefan Berceanu, On the balanced metric on the Siegel-Jacobi ball, talk at the  “International Conference on Differential  Geometry, ICDGFez”, Fez Maroc, 10-16 April 2016,

 119. Stefan Berceanu, Geodesics associated to the balanced metric on  the Siegel-Jacobi ball, Romanian J Phys Vol 61, Nos 7-8  1137-1160 2016, arXiv: 1605.02962v1 [math.DG] 10 May 2016, 22 pp,

120. Stefan Berceanu, Remarks on Berezin quantization on the Siegel-Jacobi ball, “31st International Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics'' , Rio de Janeiro, Brazilia, 19-25  June,  2016,, to appear in  Physical and Mathematical Aspects of Symmetries, Proceedings of the 31st International Colloquium in Group Theoretical Methods in Physics Editors: Duarte, S., Gazeau, J.-P., Faci, S., Micklitz, T., Scherer,
R., Toppan, F. (Eds.), Springer, Proceedings of the 31st International Colloquium in Group Theoretical Methods in Physics

121. Stefan Berceanu,  About geodesics on the Siegel-Jacobi ball, 13-th INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY AND ITS APPLICATIONS at PETROLEUM - GAS UNIVERSITY of Ploiesti, 26 - 28 September 2017,

122. Stefan Berceanu, Coherent states associated to the Jacobi group  and Berezin quantization of  the Siegel-Jacobi ball, XXXVI Workshop on Geometric Methods in Physics, Bialowieza, Poland,  2-8.07.2017, Trends in Mathematics, Birkhuaser,  Springer Basel AG, Publication date 08 Apr 2019 , Geometric Methods in Physics XXXVI : Edited by  Piotr Kielanowski,   Anatol Odzijewicz,  Emma Previato  ISBN10 3030011550ISBN13 9783030011550  Publication date 08 Apr 2019, 

 123. Stefan Berceanu,  Metric on the Siegel-Jacobi spaces invariant to the   action of the Jacobi group, talk at the meeting Geometry and PDEs, West University of Timic{s}oara, October 12-13, 2018,

124.  Stefan Berceanu,  The real Jacobi group G^J_1 revisited, March 14, 2019, 12:00 noon, DFT seminar room,   alt

125.  Stefan Berceanu, About invariant metrics on homogenous spaces attached to Jacobi group,   March 19, 2019, 10:00 a.m., IMAR, room 306-307 (C. Banica),

 126.  Stefan Berceanu, The real Jacobi group revisited,  arXiv:1903.10721v1 [math.DG] 26 Mar 2019, arXiv:1903.10721v2 [math.DG] 7 May 2019,

127  Stefan Berceanu,   Differential geometry on  homogeneous spaces attached to the Jacobi group,  International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Physics 1-5 April 2019 Marrakech, Morocco,

128 .  Stefan Berceanu, About  invariant metric on the  extended Siegel-Jacobi upper half-plane , THE SYMPOSIUM ON DIFFERENTIAL MODELS IN GEOMETRY, COMPUTER SCIENCE AND HYDROTECHNICS - DiMoGeCH, 22-25 May 2019 -Iasi, Romania,

129.  Stefan Berceanu, About the five dimensional extended Siegel-Jacobi upper half plane, 14-th INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY AND ITS APPLICATIONS at PETROLEUM - GAS UNIVERSITY of Ploiesti, 9 - 11 July 2019,

130.  Stefan Berceanu, Invariant metrics on   homogeneous manifolds attached to  the real Jacobi group , Bucharest Conference on Geometry and Physics, MAR, Bucharest, 2-6 September 2019,

131.Elena Mirela Babalic, Stefan Berceanu, Remarks on the geometry of the extended Siegel--Jacobi upper half-plane,; arXiv:2002.04452v1 [math.DG] 10 Feb 2020; :2002.04452v2, 21 May 2020

132., Stefan Berceanu, Invariant metric on the extended Siegel-Jacobi upper half space, arXiv:2006.03319v1 [math.DG] 5 Jun 2020; J. Geom. Phys 162 (2021) 104049, 20 pages

 133.Stefan Berceanu, Geodesics on the extended Siegel-Jacobi upper half-plane, Romanian J. Phys. 2021 {\bf 66}, 107. 28 pages; arXiv:2101.08015 [math.DG],

134. Stefan Berceanu, Hamiltonian systems on almost cosymplectic manifolds, 26 pages, arXiv:2201.01962 [math.DG]