Dr. Renata Jora
I am interested in almost all subfields of theoretical high energy physics ranging from QCD and electroweak theory to aspects of quantum field theory.
In the beginning of my career as a particle physicist I was involved in the study of low energy QCD, namely chiral symmetry and meson spectroscopy. Together with my collaborators I proposed that the inverted scalar meson mass spectrum can be explained if one considers these particles as admixture of two quark and four quark states with a larger four quark component.
Neutrinos masses and mixings along with the question whether neutrinos are Majorana or Dirac particles are topics at the forefront of modern particle physics. These problems were tackled in a series of papers where we studied the role that finite groups might play in explaining the relevant experimental data.
With the advent of the LHC the electroweak sector of the standard model has entered a burgeoning era of experimental and theoretical searches and discoveries. The quest for a standard model completion, for finding extended symmetries or additional scalars has amplified the importance of fundamental physics questions: Is the Higgs boson unique, is it elementary or composite, is the “naturalness” really an issue, what kind of assumptions should be made for extending the knowledge at higher scales? In this direction I wrote together with my collaborators a series of papers that address the Higgs sector and spontaneous symmetry breaking in their complexity.
In the recent years I became interested in the possibility that the electroweak sector of the standard model might be at least partially composite and in the analogies that one might extract from low energy QCD.
I also explored perturbative and non-perturbative features of quantum field theories including supersymmetric gauge theories by employing global properties of the partition functions. Dynamical supersymmetry breaking, a topic of perpetual interest is also at the forefront of my scientific endeavors. I am also interested in the connection between particle physics and cosmology