• Aureliu Emil Sandulescu


  • Iosif Bulboaca


  • Horia Scutaru


  • Mircea Iosifescu


  • Mircea Micu


  • Mircea Cristu

In the first day of February 2013 Mircea Cristu passed away after a short illness. He was part of the first generation of Romanian nuclear physicists, whose life and destiny were identical with the history of the Institute of Atomic Physics at Magurele-Bucharest. They were the true founding fathers of modern science in Romania. These people were enthusiastical about science, nuclear, modern and quantum physics, Mircea among the most ardent of them. These generations believed in the power of reason, in the benefits of the scientific knowledge, in truth, justice and social welfare. This belief, together with the comunist party, their devotion, work and great sense of social responsability made them to erect a modern, scientific Romania. This is a great life achievement for which they deserve our respectful gratitude; Mircea among them, as one of their most prominent members.

Mircea was always studying, reading or writing; he loved books. When relaxing, he was listening music - he was a great connoisseur. He loved to talk about words, languages, history, philosophy, mathematics; he used to tell everybody about the benefits of an orderly life, physical exercises, eating vegetables. He loved physics and knew a lot of amusing stories about physics and physicists. He loved theoretical physics almost with piety, with awe. He would not have ever missed a seminar of theoretical physics. He was probably the only Romanian who participated, in the 50s, in the Moscow seminar of the great Landau. There, Mircea was saying (though it could be apocryphal), only criticisms were allowed. Although a very sharp mind, he would never have criticized a fellow human being. He respected life and people to the highest, ultimate degree. We lost a dear friend. We miss forever his healthy jokes, his great sense of humour, his vast culture of physics.



  • Nicolae Angelescu

In November 2012 our distinguished colleague and friend Nae Angelescu passed away at the age of 69.

Nae belongs to a generation of brilliant Romanian theoreticians of Physics, who brought fame and glory to the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics at Magurele-Bucharest between 1970-1990. He was perfectly rigourous and thorough in his studies of Mathematical Statistical Physics. Nae was always available for an enlightening discussion on difficult and subtle matters of Physics and Mathematics, ready to help any colleagues who was seeking his advice. He, together with his dear collaborators, whom he valued so much, they themselves lost by now for ever too, imposed the highest possible standards in the scientific research at Magurele. Their fortunate epoch will never return.

We lost in Nae a most respected and valuable colleague and friend.



  • George Ciangaru
(April 10 1943, Turnu Magurele – October 12 2011, Houston)
Our colleague and friend Gheorghe (Gigi) Ciangaru graduated from the Faculty of Physics of Bucharest University in 1965 and received his Ph. D. in Theoretical Physics with Professor R. L. McGrath in Stony Brook in 1975, with a substantial thesis on the microscopic analysis of (Li6, He6) reaction at intermediate energies.
In his second American period, in the eighties, at Maryland University, College Park, G. Ciangaru authored or co-authored important works in the field of a few nucleon transfer reactions, which were largely cited. In the last two decades, his activity was connected with Medical Physics, a field in which he achieved notable successes at M. D. Anderson Cancer Center of Texas University in Houston, where he found efficient methods to calculate the doses of irradiation of tumors with protons.
His prematurely disappearance shocked his friends and former collaborators, who remain with the unforgettable memory of his high human and professional qualities.


  • Eugen E. Radescu
In April 2007 dr. E. E. Radescu passed away at the age of 65.
He graduated from the University of Bucharest and became a distinguished member of the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics at Magurele-Bucharest, where he spent all his scientific career.
Eugen Radescu was one of the most skilled professionals in the theory of elementary particles and fields. He worked with great success in nucleon polarizabilites, dispersion relations and, more lately, he developed the concept of toroidal polarizabilites.
Eugen spent also a few years at JIRN Dubna, Russia, where he was well-known.
Eugen was a brilliant mind in theoretical physics and a hard worker on his scientific problems. We lost in him a valuable colleague and a dear friend.

  • Gheorghe Costache
In June 2002 Gheorghe Costache died after a painful suffering at the age of 59.
Gabi Costache has brillantly graduated in theoretical physics at University of Bucharest, and soon became a representative figure in the Department of Theoretical Physics at the Institute of Atomic Physics, Magurele-Bucharest. He was always considered an authority of reference in theoretical physics, solid-state and condensed matter physics, and especially in statistical physics which he exquisitely mastered.
Gabi Costache is renowed by his studies of magnetism in thin films, phase transitions, critical phenomena and, especially, the spherical model of magnetism. He conducted all his research in a profound spirit of mathematical rigour and high responsibility for the relevance of his scientific work, his parcimony for validating the scientific results being notorious. Gabi Costache was one of the rarest instances of a perfect scholar in theoretical physics.
His unending quest for the scientific rigour made him also a moral and social instance, always referred to. His never-failing judgment on various matters, ranging from theoretical physics to society and politics was always a reassuring point for all of us.
We lost in Gabi Costache a perfect scientist and a very dear colleague and friend.


  • Ovidiu Dumitrescu
In April 1997 dr. Ovidiu Dumitrescu died at the age of 59 after several months of painful suffering.
Ovidiu Dumitrescu is widely known in the theory of nuclear physics by his thorough studies of alpha decay, his original research in the parity-violating nuclear reactions, and his scientific papers on four-fermion condensate. He is the author of an impressively large amount of original scientific research literature, widely quoted everywhere in the field. The theory of the four-fermion condensate, whose coauthor and leader Ovidiu Dumitrescu was, is referred to in the professional literature as the third main method of studying the alpha decay.
He was a vigurous researcher, an original thinker in theoretical physics, and a powerful and inspiring leader and mentor in this field of research.
We lost in Ovidiu Dumitrescu a cultural instance in nuclear physics, and a very dear colleague and friend.


  • Aretin Corciovei
In January 1992 dr. Aretin Corciovei died of a sudden and unexpected death at the age of 62. He made brilliant studies of theoretical physics in Bucharest-Romania, and spent all his subsequent career as an outstanding researcher in theoretical physics in the Institute of Atomic Physics at Magurele-Bucharest. Since 1966 until his death he was the head of the Department of Theoretical Physics of this Institute.
Aretin Corciovei was the founder and the leader of the scientific research in theoretical condensed matter physics in Romania. He introduced in the Romanian research the use of the modern theoretical methods in the study of the magnetic models, and created an entire school of research in this field. He was among the first ones in the world to use the Green function method in thin magnetic films, and in 1965 gave a beautiful equivalence between the short-range interacting chain with boundary conditions and the double-length chain. Among many other original ideas given to his collaborators perhaps the last noteworthy one was the recurssive method in the channeling of energetic particles in solids.
His original scientific papers, though not very numerous, are full of intelectual tension, high rigour, and genuine physical approaches, in the best tradition of the field. Likewise were his rather limited lectures in solid state physics, always brief and intense.
We lost in Aretin Corciovei a point of reference in the physical research and a head of theoretical physics.
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