Quantum Information and Optics
Quantum Information Processing and Communication has the potential to revolutionize many areas of science and technology:
- it exploits fundamentally new modes of computation and communication, because it is based on the physical laws of quantum mechanics instead of classical physics;
- it holds the promise of immense computing power beyond the capabilities of any classical computer;
- it guarantees absolutely secure communication;
- it is directly linked to emerging quantum technologies.
• Study of fundamental aspects of quantum mechanics and quantum information theory (principles of quantum mechanics – wave-particle dualism, quantum channels etc).
• Theory of quantum resources (quantum correlations, quantum coherence, purity).
• Dynamics of quantum correlations (entanglement, discord, steering) in open quantum systems of discrete and continuous variables (Gaussian bosonic channels).
• Quantum processing and transmission protocols of quantum information (quantum teleportation, quantum cryptography, quantum computing).• Application of models and methods of quantum information theory to quantum technologies (quantum imaging etc).
• Dissipative phenomena in open quantum systems, role of quantum decoherence in processing and transmission of quantum information.
• Fundamental and vortex solitons in fractional nonlinear evolution equations; rogue waves (high-amplitude waves) in integrable and nonintegrable nonlinear systems.