dr. Marian APOSTOL

Scientific Researcher
Professor of Theoretical Physics

apoma Laboratory
Condensed Mater and Theoretical Physics

Institute of Atomic Physics
 Magurele-Bucharest MG-6 ,
POBox MG-35, Romania

e-mail: apoma@theory.nipne.ro 
ph: 40-21-404 23 00 / 3213
40-21-404 62 34

New methods and concepts in the theory of condensed matter physics, solid state physics, materials science, nuclear physics, atomic physics, physical chemistry, classical physics, etc.

Particle channeling in solids, Plasmons in layered structures, Bosonization of the one-dimensional fermions, Charge-density waves in quasi-one-dimensional materials, Fermi liquid theory, Four-fermion condensate, High-temperature superconductivity, Zero-sound solitons, Transport, Sound attenuation, Electrons in magnetic field, Field-induced spin-density wave, Electron crystals, Off-centre diffusion in solids, Low-dimensional solids, Two-electron atoms, Spherical molecules, Alkali-doped fullerides, Nuclear magnetic resonance, Microstructures, Electron liquid, Atomic clusters, Thermoelectricity, Ferromagnet-superconductor junction, Moon's problem, Quark-gluon plasma, Condensation of matter, Theory of liquids, Magnetic effects on positronium decay, Weber's coherent scattering and neutrino detection, Curved spaces and quantization in non-inertial motion, Quanta of electrical conductance, Densitons, Coherence in matter, Plasmons and polaritons, Pulsed polaritons in plasma, Polarization of matter, Turbulence, Electromagnetic field and charges, plasma, magnetic resonance, Elasticity, Electric pulses, Electrolytes, Colloids, etc

dr. M. Apostol:

dr. M. Apostol published cca 300 research articles, scientific communications, reviews and popularization articles

70 Books:

Postgraduate Monographs, Textbooks, Collections of Scientific Papers, Science Policy Papers

High-School Textbooks

1. Elementary Mathematics (2021) 2. Introductory Physics (2021)

dr M. Apostol initiated the series of Seminars “Pulse and Impulse of ELI (Extreme Light Infrastructure)” at the Institute of Atomic Physics, Magurele-Bucharest, 2010

  • MSc Theoretical Physics, University of Bucharest 1972, PhD Theoretical Physics, Institute of Atomic Physics 1984, scientific researcher, professor of Theoretical Physics, apoma Laboratory, Magurele-Bucharest, Romania

  • Founder and editor of "Journal of Theoretical Physics"

  • Founder and editor of "The Antiphysical Review"

  • Included in Marquis Who's Who in the World 1997, Marquis Who's Who in Science and Engineering 1997

  • Founding member of the Academy of Physics at Magurele-Bucharest

  • Associate member of the European Academy of Arts, Sciences and Humanities

  • Included in Elite of Romanian Researchers, P. T. Frangopol, Casa Cartii de Stiinta, Cluj 2004 (in Romanian)

  • Included in Hubner's Who is Who in Europe (Romania)

  • American Biographical Institute Great Minds of the 21st Century, 2006

  • American Biographical Institute Gold Medal for Romania, 2007

  • dr M. Apostol is Laird of Glencairn, Caithness Scotland

  • Romanian Government Award and Medal for Excellence in Scientific Research, 2000

  • Institute Annual Award for Achievement, 2008

  • Institute for Atomic Physics's Honor Award and Medal, 2009

  • Certificate of Appreciation , University of New Mexico-Gallup, 2008, 2009

  • Distinguished Achievements in Paradoxism Award , Association of Paradoxism, 2010